Personal Growth

Am I going to forget something? And if I do, what’s the worst that can happen?

I get so tense, I write some lists 2 or 3 times.  I am so worried that I will forget something that I literally duplicate my efforts to remember.  I am beginning to wonder what I am afraid of?  There has never been a time in my life where a loss of memorizing a grocery item would cause a life changing emergency.  So I am afraid of something, and I am not sure what it is.

This has caused me to begin letting things go.  So if I forget something, what is going to happen, will it matter, will anyone care?  So I think that remembering things is an effort and that effort should matter.  Which then leads me to the conclusion that if the effort does not matter, I should not make the effort.

This is a freeing concept.  If my effort will not matter, then I will not make an effort.  I am now allowed to put my efforts exclusively towards things that matter.  I can still make grocery lists, but the idea of getting tense because of a grocery list – is not present.

Leaving the mundane to the mundane is an excellent concept.  Drama belongs to things that matter, not to the mundane.


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