Speaking as a Parent

I’m Your Mother Damnit

Americans are all about independence, personal choice, listening to feelings.  When you are an American adult you get to do what you want.  It’s an accepted fact that parents are to back out of any authoritarian positions and just “be” and just “listen”.

Oh for cryin’ out loud, to hell with that.  I’m a counselor, I’m a mother, and I am here to tell you, I am sick to death of people telling me how they are going to mess up their life and make bad decisions.  Oh and guess what, if I am to be an “accepting” person, I should active listen and allow people to choose.  Adults should make their own life choices…What – are you kidding me?  If adults could make their own responsible life decisions they would, but they don’t.

I am not going to sit and listen while my daughter tells me about her intention to date a felonious idiot who can’t tell the difference between love and rage, I am not going to sit and listen to my son tell me that I should be more understanding while he messes up for the 400th time on the SAME issue.  I’m not.  How about this, I’m sick of people trying to tell ME what choices I should make as a mother, friend or counselor.  Guess what, I don’t think that my presence should always make people feel good.  I think truth is more important than feeling good and if that makes people uncomfortable – then oh well.  And guess what, I am going to keep on lecturing my children in any old uncomfortable way that I wish until I am 84 years old.  At which time, I am hoping they will have gained the maturity necessary to live without my lectures.

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