Baby Boomers,  Hmmm...

Men Really “Get” It; Women, Not So Much

What men really get and women do not, is that there is a solid difference between men and women.  There is not only a difference, but there is a mystery.  There is something about being a man that women just do not understand.  There is something about being a woman that men just do not understand.  The issue is that women think that they understand and men know that they do not.

It is like being a parent, if you are not a parent, you have no way of experiencing the wide range of emotion that parenting brings to an individual.  Because of that, you cannot judge a parental reaction very well.  You cannot evaluate what is essentially a mystery to you.

Men accept that women are not known to them.  It was a man who coined the term “the mystery of a woman”.  You may hear them talking about women and discussing with each other how they really do not understand women at all.  On the other hand, if you listen to women talking, they seem to think that, not only do they know all about men, but they also understand all of the mysteries of the universe.  Women won’t admit that men are essentially very different and that a feminine evaluation of them may miss the mark of reality completely.

I’m not saying that women are particularly better at being “know-it-alls”.  I really am not!  Men can be really dumb too.  The current attempts at legislating birth control and abortion are spectacular examples of men being “know-it-alls”.  What I am saying is that men will admit they have no clue about women.  Women will not admit that they have no clue about men.  For the last 50 or 60 years women have been trying to communicate with men as if they are women and it is not working.  Men have a special language that does not include a feminine perspective at all, they all know it.  It does not matter to them if women understand this masculine language and that is a demarcation line in itself.  Women want to and think they should ‘understand’ everything.  Men just don’t have that need…

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