Speaking as a Parent,  Womens Issues

“Our Relationship is Changing”

This is what I said to my daughter, Rhea, yesterday.  As wonderful as this week has been, it’s also been emotionally dramatic for me.  You see, I have to move over.  Yes, I knew this, yes, it’s past time, but this week, it became real.  For all of my daughters’ lives, I have been the primary caregiver, worrier, nurturer.  It puts me center stage in their lives…

Not any more.  My son-in-law is very serious about taking care of his wife and new son.  His focus does not alter from the task at hand.  Throughout this journey, his steadfast attention is on his wife and her comfort.  He does whatever it takes to give care, nurture and yes…worry.  I can relinquish my tasks.  While it is cause for celebration, there is a certain sadness in giving her up to him.

Of course, my daughter and I will always have the feminine intimacy that we have always shared.  All of the relationship history that belongs to us will never change.  It is our future that changes.  Through the sadness, I recall my faith in the perfection of life – which always changes, and always gives us joy.

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