Personal Growth

Positive Affirmations are Not Enough

This is a sentence used quite often in current psychology writings.  Big discovery!  Truth is, it is not a big or a current discovery.  True counselors and therapists, the ones who deal with the heartache, grief and pain of the human condition have always known this.  There is no mystery here, there is no newsflash here.

True hurt, grief, pain and despair must be experienced in order to be released.  Therapists and counselors understand this.  Positive affirmations are positive support from self to self, to deal with the negative beliefs that come to be with painful experiences.  A counselor / therapist uses their own positive regard for the client to support the client through the moment.  The positive affirmations go home with the client and help to continue the support throughout the week.

This is why I say we must embrace positive affirmations.  They are part of what we need to rebuild what is damaged by our resistance to our experience (pain and grief) and our concomitant inappropriate belief structures.  Positive affirmations can put us back on the path to healing and loving ourselves and others.

So don’t talk trash about positive affirmations, of course they are not enough.  Knowledgeable therapists and counselors have always known this.  Positive affirmations are not trite tricks of the trade either. Positive affirmations can be tools that we apply to show support and love for ourself.  When we are healing from a great hurt or grieving a loss, isn’t any source of support and love a good one?  If that love and support comes from self, isn’t that even better?

So, geez, don’t put down positive affirmations, well – don’t put down anything.  Positive affirmations can be indicators for self support and self love and what’s the harm in that?

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