Personal Growth

Who is Responsible for your Mood and Attitude?

I have been lucky in my life.  At very important times in my life, the right book, the right preacher, the right inspiration somehow found its way into my life.  A couple of years ago when I was cleaning up I had to give away a dozen inspirational books because I felt guilty about holding them, they had served me so well that I had to pass them on to others.

What I see is that people kind of go along like I have, but are mostly not as lucky as I have been.  They get down and then they stay that way.  So the bad feeling that started in an evening on a Thursday in July turns into a lifelong sadness, regret or grief.  Not to say that people should not ever feel bad.  Just that feelings, particularly bad ones, can get completely out of control and drag on and on.

As my sister says, we must be proactive with our mood and that comes from our attitude.  Instead of waiting for the right book to fall into your lap or the right person to cross your path, you must go looking.  You must go to the book store and particularly look for inspirational works.  Anything that makes you feel good when you are reading it is an inspirational work.  Anything that speaks to your better self is inspirational.  You must actively seek it.  When looking for inspiration at church, I once went to 12 different churches to find the right fit.  I felt very strongly that after the church service was over, I should feel better, not worse.  It took a long time for me to find the right church to make that happen.

If you are feeling down, depressed, angry, sad, resentful, there are 1,382 ways for you to change that.  Go find one.

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