I don’t understand how you think, when you think that I don’t understand the current life of the world?
You’ve dismissed me based on what?
I personally saw all of the things that have created the life that we have in America right now.
I stood completely still (and I was only four) when the announcement came on TV that President Kennedy had been assassinated. Everyone that was alive at that moment in time knew that life in America had changed, and everyone cried about it.

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I glared angrily at the tv while Nixon denied his contribution to Watergate. Even though I was still a kid at home, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was lying, and I have no idea how I knew.
As a teenager, I wandered across the country with my toddler sons. We were able to visit and live in different climates and different thinking styles. I wanted to go to college, I have no idea where that desire came from, but it’s what I wanted. We moved to California in 1977 because junior college was free. I worked two jobs and it still wasn’t enough. I was a teenager and there was no way that I was going to be able to support myself and my sons on my own. Economic reality, that is all. I could give you all the details, like finding care for the boys while working eighty hours a week, but it doesn’t matter. Everyone understands how real this fact is, even today. A teenage mother cannot support herself and children on her own, no matter how hard she tries.
Marriage and a business was next in my life. The business taught me so much about everything that you can count. I was an accountant back in the days of pencils. I went to a bookkeeping class (back in ’74) which helped me so much during this next life chapter. I had to know how to manage money because that’s not what my husband (and business partner) knew how to do.
History Lesson Over
My children, my grandchildren, why aren’t you taking advantage of this wealth of information? I can do taxes, upside down and standing on my head and yet you would never ask me a question about taxes. Why not?
Unfortunately, the eighties and the nineties were all about being rich and so that is what my children absorbed. They loved all of being rich and never understood the costs of wealth or how it needed to be managed. There is a thinking today that is strictly capitalistic, and it says wealth at any cost.
Nothing I could do or say could change any of that. My kids want to be rich. There is an attitude of blame leveled at me because I didn’t achieve wealth. How could I be middle class? Middle class was a crime.
In spite of this, I wonder why my kids would think that I am clueless and that I don’t understand the politics of today. Why is that the thinking of the young? Old people are dumb? How could a smart person come to that conclusion? Because it’s the era, the culture of America today.
Culture is King
And that’s my next question, why do people fall for a pretty presentation hook, line and sinker without a thorough investigation? How come young people don’t know the difference between facts and fiction? Why are we looking at pretty pictures and not seeing the truth? And finally, why Trump?
I can see that from a young person’s viewpoint, disruption is the goal. Who we elected into office have not helped the American people. In fact, it seems the senators and congresspeople have, instead, merely used their congressional seats to enrich themselves.
They make the laws and based on their own legislation they can take money from a donor and then make a law specifically for that donor. A good example of this practice is pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies rape people who need medication, and they allow poor people to die because of poverty. That’s because congress has made laws protecting pharmaceutical companies, protecting their ability to make money.
From a young person’s perspective, we have failed. As adults we have created a world that is terribly wrong. The problem is that young people do not know what the problem is. They and their mentor Trump, are like bulls in a China shop, disrupting everything that is in front of them. We know what is wrong! But no one is listening.
We are here trying to talk with young people about what is wrong. But no one is listening.
We have proof that Trump is only enriching himself and NOT helping Americans. But no one is listening.

Three Americans own more wealth than the bottom fifty percent of American people. No one is listening.
I wish we could talk. But no one is listening.