I think that all of this is at least partly true and mostly good. I do believe that we need to step back from ourselves and find out what we believe. If you think, thinking is important; then you should look at the source of your thoughts – which are your beliefs. It’s very important that we identify our beliefs. Sometimes we must work backwards to identify the belief. If you have an underlying belief that you are worthless, chances are you will not give yourself worthwhile gifts and you may not honor yourself either. This is important, because if you are waiting for the world to treat you better – you must first believe that you are worth very good treatment. (This is not an invitation for a free-for-all for narcissists! You know who you are…)
To go in and find out about your beliefs backwards, for example – you may realize that you have been in a series of love relationships that were un-rewarding and where you felt unloved. If you have an underlying belief that you are not lovable, you may sub-consciously pick selfish people who will not love you as good as you can be loved. You must work at this thing called self-awareness, it is not an easy task to understand yourself and pursue your highest good; it is work worth doing.