Why do you do this? As a famous woman, why do you allow the perpetuation of this mythical creature called the “perfect woman”? Why do you buy into the definition of fashion houses (and, of course, men) that will tell you what is beautiful ~ and they really have no idea, except their own idea.
Out there in front, redefining beauty are women like Ashley Graham who gives credibility to plus sizes and Alicia Keyes who refuses to wear make-up. Both women strongly state that women need to be who they are.

My husband always says that proof that men are running the world is on the feet of women who still wear high heels. What would cause a woman to wear high heels? Fashion dictatorship; that is what causes women to wear high heels. Anthropologists will tell you that wearing high heels (which thrusts breasts forward) is a mating ritual of old societies. However, in these old societies, women rid themselves of the high heels once a mate is identified. No woman willingly wears such painful footwear because she wants to, she wears this footwear to compete and to gain male acceptance.
What is wrong with extra weight? What is wrong with crepe paper skin? What is wrong with a wrinkly neck? These are all natural evolutions of the human body. It is only the marketing industry and Madison Avenue that wants us to believe that an aging body is unnatural and embarrassing. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The model form is unnatural. Human beings that are “in the natural” do not look like the normal model looks. Humans are a diverse group that come in all shapes, sizes and colors, all of which are normal and most of which are attractive. We are all attractive when we are compared to ourselves. It is when we compare ourselves to the television and fashion runways and magazine pictures that we become unattractive.
This is not to say that beauty does not exist objectively, it is to say that we have become harsh taskmasters of the beauty of women. Marketing America has carved out one look as THE LOOK and we take no discussion. Any woman who does not have this look is a woman that must be manufactured into this woman. For this manufacturing process, millions of dollars in beauty products are mass produced and sold. Plastic surgery is a multi-billion dollar business that is thriving. How and why? So that all women can fit into this one size, a size that is deemed correct and attractive by others that are not we.
Why is the perfect-looking woman sexy? Why isn’t the perfect woman a librarian or a scholar? Why does the perfect woman need so many accoutrements? Why does she need long eyelashes, hundreds of dollars in cosmetics and an endless supply of clothing that is form fitting and constantly revealing?
Women, we must take back our power and define our own beauty. It is quite fine if we do NOT spend $26.00 on a pair of underwear. We do not need cosmetics or Forever 21 to keep us looking beautiful. It is quite fine to be 45 years old and 65 years old and 85 years old. We are still beautiful and certainly, smart and exceptionally wise at these ages.