and How they Use Meritocracy to Justify
And they are trained to it. They are trained to believe that they are better. That’s what the myth of Meritocracy is all about.

If you MERIT more, then you get more. How do you merit more? In America, you have to be a white man. What American slang will say is “right off rip” you get more in life by virtue of being a white man. But wait, that’s not merit! Well yeah, yeah it is~ Google AI says:
- Noun:
- Worth or superior quality
- Excellence
- A deserving or commendable quality or act
- Something deserving reward, praise, or gratitude
- A reward or honor given for superior qualities or conduct
- A grade in an exam or for a piece of work at school or university that is very good
Note that the very first line says, “worth or superior quality”. If you have been around any fraternity, you will notice that each and every person in the fraternity feels that they “merit” a better life than others.
And yet, here is the truth about our American system:
Walmart reported $453 million in profits last quarter. They’ve spent $1.3 billion on stock buybacks this year. Their CEO received $24.1 million in compensation last year. More than half of Walmart’s employees still earn less than a living wage.
Many people believe that this is a just system. Those who are managing this system obviously believe that it is a just system, but what about everyone else? Many of my friends look down on others and they use meritocracy to justify it.

People all over the world practice one upmanship on each other. This is a survival skill. Being on the bottom of the “regard” pile is unsafe. Everyone treats you badly and you could be murdered here. Murder can occur without thought and without anyone knowing and without anyone caring.
This is the danger you are in if you are at the bottom of the humanity pile.
How do we humans get to safety? How is it possible to make us all safe? Mark ourselves safe from each other: One upmanship, that’s how. If I am “better” than you, I am more valuable to my community, therefore a threat will see YOU (the lesser being) being sacrificed. The people who own Walmart do give money to others. They give money to politicians because they want to make sure that the minimum wage is not increased. That is how they “merit” billions of dollars by keeping the minimum wage very low.
How do Politicians Control Costs for the Wealthy?
According to the Fulcrum: “Many of us have worked from home during the pandemic, but not everybody has that luxury. Have you been to your local grocery store? Minimum wage workers who have kept food on our tables have been called “frontline heroes” – and yet when the chance arose to increase their wage to $15 an hour, the proposal was voted down. And the vote was not just along party lines – eight Democrats joined Republicans in rebuffing the bill.”
You can bet that the majority of those who voted against increasing the minimum wage are: White, Male and people who are not affected by minimum wage, ever. Thank you Congress, for stampeding all over poor people.
How Does Walmart Do It?
The formula for American companies is to artificially depress the cost of the service or product by using “slave” labor. This formula allows the company to keep the profits high and those profits go directly into the pockets of owners and shareholders. The companies can’t control any other costs effectively: Who can control energy costs or the effectively: Who can control energy costs or the cost of plastic?
To My Friend Mary~
No Mary, giving people a living wage does not threaten YOU. It threatens the billionaires because their profit decreases. Don’t worry, they will just pay Congress to put more money in their own pockets. There now Mary, rest easy, you can still afford your spa treatments.