The awful economic story of the pandemic is invisible to the press and to the people.
Johanna BaynardMay 11 · 4 min read
14.7 unemployment rate 10 times the worst month ever (CBS News)
Watching TV, America looks normal. “Advent health” talks about storybook healthcare, personalized for everyone…people are singing.
And yet, America has hit the crazy number of 33 million unemployment claims.
It’s a surreal world. One in which the TV goes on as if nothing is happening outside. The commercials talk endlessly about “we are in this together”. And yet, nothing can be further from the truth. This is simply a tag line that businesses are using to continue the business of making money. The businesses have no intention and no plan to help the unemployed, the sick or the hungry. The businesses use the tag line to keep customers immersed in this idea of togetherness.

We live in a world where one man has more power than anyone else, one man, who represents no one except himself. Mitch McConnell. The Democrats can and do put legislation on his desk, legislation that is good for Americans, an expansion of food stamps — for example — and there it sits, on Mitch McConnell’s desk, never coming to fruition. When confronted about his in-action, McConnell will say that the President won’t consider it, so why should he bother?
How is that possible? We were so careful in the crafting of our country, and yet, look where we are now. Powerless and more needy than ever. We have 33 million unemployed human beings with no chance of getting what they need. The latest unemployment statistics are 10 times worse than any other time in history.
Our governing body will do nothing for the unemployed human beings, nothing. We received our $1,200.00 stimulus check and that is the end of that. If more is even considered for us human beings, the idea will be shot down by Mitch McConnell and the republican senate. It’s as easy as that. Wall Street received a two trillion and a half dollar stimulus, but no such stimulus is being considered for human beings.
This is my Alice in Wonderland feeling right here, in America. Advent Health singing their own praises with the hymn of “we are in this together” and yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Advent Health will do NOTHING for the homeless human being who is uninsured, NOTHING. The point of Advent Health is the CEO’s salary and the shareholders’ dividend ONLY. No humans are considered. I know this. The world is not how it presents itself to be. The world is some other nameless and selfish monster consuming everything and everyone in the name of capitalism. Predatory capitalism has run amuck and is eating human beings now.

Professor Scott Galloway asks
“What is our trillion-dollar bet — where are we spending the trillion our kids will be saddled with? Simple: rich people. Lower tax rates on the wealthy and corporations (84% owned by the top 10% income earning households) were supposed to inspire growth and investment. They haven’t.”
“The tax cut will pay for itself.” — Steve Mnuchin
1/31/20 Galloway blog
“Allowing companies to fail is the first regulatory principal of capitalism” Matt Taibbi states. Why aren’t we allowing the stock market to self stabilize? According to Taibbi “the Greatest wealth transfer ever, S&P are partying.”
The Federal Reserve keeps throwing money at the stock market — to the tune of 2.5 trillion dollars (in the name of the pandemic) and the press is saying nothing. Why, how is that even possible? The Fed = Rich people giving rich people money = Jerome Powell

The stock market is worth more now even though 20 million people have lost their job (in April). There is no connection between wall street and main street USA. No one can see it?
I’ve just watched the news and nothing is being stated about this thievery. It’s as if nothing has happened. We are all satisfied that although the average American has received very little recompense and the wealthy have received a huge transfer from our tax money, nothing is being said on the news. Am I in an alternate reality? Is this the Twilight Zone?
There is no way that 33 million unemployed people are going to be okay without help. The taxpayer bail out of $1,200.00 is gone. What will all of those families do without an income? Why hasn’t any investigative reporter pursued this story? What do we think is going to happen when all of these human beings become homeless and hungry?