The Revolution has begun.
People see behind the lies they were taught in Government class.

My immature understanding of government from my Civics class and from my reading of John F. Kennedy’s Pulitzer Prize winning book Profiles in Courage was essentially flawed.
I learned that as a citizen, it was my duty to read about legislative candidates. I was told to understand the issues and vote on the candidate that I believed in. Based on the voting base, the successful congress member would then vote to benefit their own home base population. Always, congress was directed to work for the benefit of the people.
Because of something called “politics” politicians are doing things that are not good for the people. While we may call it politics, it is truly all about money. The politicians are in pursuit of money, vote on all matters big and small, only as a result of being paid to do it.

Currently, in this country, there appears to be no reason to stop a public mandate for “Medicare for All”. Yet, no political platform will get on board and fight for this important public right to healthcare. In fact, we are in a country, where one person, yes, that’s right, ONE person makes life and death decisions for everyone in America. (This is definitely not what the founding fathers planned.)
One man causes so many deaths, Mitch McConnell who has stopped all legislation as it sits on his desk. Untold numbers of new legislation proposed by the Democrats sit on this man’s desk (collecting dust). Caused deaths how, you ask…
“Your morning reminder that Mitch McConnell refused to take up any legislation to help states respond to COVID the whole month of June because he wanted to ram through as many conservative judges as possible.” @ChrisMurphyCT
Many attempts to legislate equal rights, if passed would prevent much of the rioting in this country. Relief efforts for the Corona virus disaster all sit on his desk. An increased minimum wage sits on Mitch McConnell’s desk.
What possible justification would there be for paying tipped workers $2.13 per hour (minimum wage)? The only justification that I know is that the legislators are lining their pockets with the blood of these same workers and taking millions in bribes to keep the status quo – status quo.
What possible justification is there for a minimum wage that no one can survive on ($7.25)?
In a different example, at the state level: One man has prevented so much wellness, Rick Scott who blocked the Medicaid expansion in Florida. How many deaths did Rick Scott cause by blocking the Medicaid expansion in Florida?
“A report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released last week said states that expanded Medicaid showed significant reductions in death rates for older adults who fell into the income brackets that allowed them to gain the coverage.”
This isn’t the country that I learned about in my high school. The country I learned about included in the design a balance of power. How did we get to a point where one person can cause the death of others through legislative action or inaction?
How many of these legislators are taking money for some very specific purposes? For example, the world financial crisis caused by the banks:
JP Morgan is worth $2.4T, and only paid a $13B fine for their role in the ‘08 financial crisis. Our predatory capitalist system rewards greed, and punishes those who try to play by the rules. #BreakUpTheBanks #BreakTheDuoploly Quote Tweet Ryan Knight @ProudSocialist
JPMorgan quarterly earnings?
BREAKING: @JPMorgan, the biggest U.S. bank, just reported its highest quarterly revenue EVER during a pandemic that’s seen 40 million Americans lose their jobs and small-businesses decimated. I cannot stress this enough: #FuckCapitalism. It is killing everyone besides the top 1%. @4apeoplesparty
How many legislators did it take to keep JPMorgan Chase from suffering any dire consequences as a result of the 2008 financial crisis? How many legislators does it take to keep them from paying taxes and one step further from using those taxes to provide relief to millions of Americans who are suffering from the Coronavirus crisis?
Please help me understand why “Medicare for all” is not real, right now, today?
Health insurance statistics are not what we are being told. Medicare and Medicaid are the largest payers of healthcare in America and have been for decades. The balance of national health care dollars are spent by for profit insurance companies on healthy cherry picked people who insurers chase after for their healthcare dollars. Why? Because insuring them is cheap – they don’t file claims.
At this time, we are being bombarded with false information about who has lost healthcare as a result of the Covid crisis. Each research facility gives a different number or attempts to extrapolate a number of uninsured. Since the 90s, the uninsured number always stayed at around 38 million. Obama was able to reduce that number by half. Not only are we back up to 38 million, but we have surpassed it now. Trump kept peeling away at the Affordable Care Act and replaced it with nothing. Most people in America depend on their jobs to provide health care insurance, therefore coverage. So where are we now? The loss of jobs, the loss of health insurance.
The revolution is coming.