Justice, the Human Construct: Not Doing Well
Your faith in God allows you to look outside of yourself for solutions to discomfort misunderstanding. These are all solutions that come from within.
There are millions of people (right now!) that are praying for the demise of Putin. If not the demise then at least the “change of mind” of Putin.
Not only is Putin well and fit, but he doubles down on his complete destruction of the country of Ukraine.
Christians want to know “why is God allowing this human suffering, injury and death to continue?”
I want to know “why are humans allowing this human suffering, injury and death to continue?”
America promised it would not allow the atrocities of World War II to ever happen again.
Here we are the atrocities are happening again.

This Agnostic Does Not Fight Against a Belief in a God
There is a spiritual oneness in the universe and that oneness can be magic; just as we believe that God can be magic.
Strength, Courage and Peace all come from the oneness of humanity; just as we believe that it can come from God.
Love and support, all come from the oneness of humanity; just as we believe that it can come from God.
Miracles are available with prayer and yet also available with this belief in God.
Prayer is a human endeavor, as is faith. They do not source from anywhere except the beliefs of the individual who is praying with faith.
Anyone can touch the magic by being one with humanity.
The question now is, are there enough humans who want peace above all else to create the magic?