Under Amendment 1 of the United States Constitution is the “Right to petition the government to fix problems”.
Problem Statement: Corporations have bought and paid for the United States House of Representatives and the Senate (with few exceptions). This means that legislation with *no benefit to human beings* is being voted on and made into law. This legislation benefits the corporations and not the American people.

The American people shall make a new amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America that shall not be abridged.
No member of the senate or of congress may accept any monies from any company, whether that company be in or outside of the United States.
If a member of congress or a senator, has a history of having received such money, then that member or senator will be excused and excluded from voting in any matter that is *in any way* related to legislation. An example is that a senator who has accepted any benefits whether they be monies or otherwise from a defense contractor, may not vote on defense spending or anything related to defense spending.
No member of congress shall be able to make laws or vote on laws that are as a result of having received any such benefit or contribution.
All people who work for any government of the United States, whether that be either Federal or of the states or territories shall agree to personal financial transparency. There is no exception to this rule.