• Economic Equality (A Goal),  Psychology of Life,  World Affairs

    Shoes, Karaoke and the Demise of America

    James Corden found out that Celine Dion has ten thousand (10,000) pairs of shoes. During carpool karaoke, James laughingly forced Celine to give away several pair of her shoes. She gripped the shoes lovingly before relinquishing them with anxious words.

    When the Philippines president’s wife, Imelda Marcos, had one thousand (1,000, [I heard it was 2,000]) pairs of “luxury” shoes, the whole world gasped and expressed shock. No one could believe how much greed went into such decisions.

    Of course, there is no comparison between the two. Imelda Marcos was a greedy criminal, who put herself above and before her country’s people. Her and her husband have the Guinness World Record for having stolen the most amount of money from a country. They robbed the country until the poor were starving. Imelda and her husband Ferdinand lived lavishly in palaces, with an unlimited spend budget.

    I don’t want to mistake these two women at all: Imelda Marcos and Celine Dion. The only thing that they have in common is a love for shoes.

    Shoes by Jaclyn Moy, Unsplash

    What I want to address is the view that we Americans have in regards to wealth. Over the weekend, a wealthy philanthropist paid all student loans for a graduating class at Morehouse college. Later, a public comment was made about Oprah Winfrey, something to the effect of “why did she only give a book to the graduating class when she delivered her commencement speech? Why didn’t she pay off the debts of the graduating class?” Of course, this question was meant to be hurtful to Oprah Winfrey…

    What I want to ask, is it ridiculous that Celine Dion has 10,000 pairs of shoes? We have a predatory capitalist society that has murdered and buried the middle class. Do the wealthy owe something to the country that has made them wealthy? Is it ok for unwitting wealthy people to stand aside and allow this country’s poor to suffer hunger and to die from a lack of health care?

    Is it okay for women like Celine Dion to have ten thousand pairs of shoes when there are thousands of women who cannot afford an outfit to wear to a job interview? Is it okay for the wealthy to stand aside, perhaps donating a bit to their churches and synagogues in order to assuage guilt; and to allow the masses of this country to be abolished by predatory capitalism?

    I don’t think that the comment to Oprah was appropriate. I do think that we can ask those that are more fortunate, if they will contribute to making this country a much better place. It’s not enough for us to elect a good president.

    There is so much more that must be done to reverse the trend of predatory capitalism. There is so much more to do to reverse the complete control that the military complex has on our tax dollars. We need to take those dollars and invest in the human beings that live in this country. We must make sure that the minimum wage is a fair one. We must build roads and schools and even libraries. We must make advanced education available to all who want to do the work of it. We must take profit out of health care and recognize that health care is a human right. We must do all of these things to recognize that humans are the greatest wealth of a nation.

    Caleb Woods, Unsplash

    We need to get it right and we need to do it soon, and if we don’t, you can be sure that all is lost. So, Oprah Winfrey, if you’re listening, use your influence, not to sell a product, not to sell a book, but to help this America find its true north.

  • It is What it is...,  Love and Relationships,  Personal Growth

    Unidimensional Point of View, I Hope That’s Not You

    A UPV is a point of view that you have developed on your own with no input from any other person.

    Notebook by Marcus Spiske, Unsplash

    If the only way you know how to argue is by being aggressive and mean, you are suffering from UPV: Unidimensional Point of View.

    I don’t care who you are, if all you want to do is talk about your own point of view, you are suffering from UPV.

    If you have “heard it all before”, you are suffering from UPV.

    If you are smarter than anyone else, then you are probably suffering from UPV.

    Society serves the purpose of diverse and original thinking shared among others. This sharing helps us to check one’s self. The point is that we live so much better when we are in congress with others. We must have others that are different than we are, and it must be others who are willing to be honest. A sycophant doesn’t help you to learn. A sycophant simply agrees with your unidimensional point of view.

    Notebook by Fabian Grohs, Unsplash

    You can only have a UPV if you are alone, or are so powerful that no one is willing to disagree with you. This is a problem only for anyone who is interested in learning or growing.

    This doesn’t alarm some people. Some people would rather have their own unique point of view than to have humans in their life. They would rather be alone than to invite others into their verbal space. Still others will contrive power and use that power to keep their own opinions without conflict. These are the weak. These are the people who cannot handle a point of view that is different than their own. These folks live inside of their own mind. No other mind invited, nor welcomed.

    Sometimes, many people suffer from UPV as a group, and that is called groupthink. This happens when everyone has the same point of view and no dissenting opinion is allowed.

    If you are comfortable with your belief system, then you are probably suffering from UPV. It takes challenge to be open minded, it takes an uncomfortable feeling in order to consider other beliefs, other opinions and other points of view than your own. It’s painful to hear someone else’s opinion, particularly when it doesn’t reflect your own. Yet it’s healthy.

    If you want to learn, if you want to be part of others lives, if you want to be part of this wide world, you must be practiced at listening. You must be capable of listening to others in order to have them in your life. When this is true, when you want others in your life, when you are open, you can no longer be unidimensional and you become multidimensional. Is this you?

  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  World Affairs

    Why We Allow a Madman in our Midst

    We do not have to participate in this process of government that continues to steal from the poor and give to the rich. This society is capitalism gone mad and the madmen have taken over. It’s all about power and only the wealthy get power.

    Depressed minimum wages are an instrument of the wealthy corporations. Many say that when minimum wages go up, so will cost of living. So far, in all locations that have increased minimum wage, this has not been true. What has happened in wages is not related to the cost of products actually, what is happening is that the minimum wages allow owners to be ridiculously wealthy and shareholders to profit, on the backs of the poor.

    Please note all of the latest crimes against the middle class: a tax package that promised a tax cut, but has Gold Star families scrambling to pay for a dramatic increase in taxes over last year. A system that has suppressed DEA’s ability to go after and prosecute the opioid manufacturers. A system that continues to “outsource” human service issues such as education and the care of immigrant children. The people who are on the front lines are NOT making a profit from these government sanctioned travesties. The largest corporations along with their shareholders, the banks and Wall street are taking home the wealth. Let’s not belabor the point, the question really is:

    Why do we participate? We have lost all respect for our president; he is a liar and a thief. Even his previous supporters must admit that he has helped no one but himself. He is only an instrument of the one-percenters. We have respect for the “position”, for the “president”, not the man. This does not serve us; it gets in our way of effective action.

    We are like the Christians, in that we are now worshipping the empty vessel rather than the true and authentic body of holiness. America is NOT great today.

    The well worn belief that we cannot do anything about weapons in this country is due to our love of the Constitution, yet today’s weapons have no resemblance to those weapons discussed in the Bill of Rights. So, while we love the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we abhor the murder of innocent young children. We have done very little to prevent the murders of our children.

    Instagram photo from Facebook 5-8-19

    According to the Washington Post:

    Firearms per 100 people: 88.8
     Firearm homicides per 100,000: 3.21
     Percent of homicides by guns: 67.5
     While the U.S. houses less than 5 percent of the world’s population, the country has approximately 35–50 percent of civilian-owned guns worldwide, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. 
     The U.S. has the highest firearm related homicide rate among developed nations, continued the Council on Foreign Relations, “though some analysts say these statistics do not necessarily have a cause-and-effect relationship.”

    Why do we continue down this path? I believe there are two reasons for this mistake: one is that we believe in the authority of the position, two is that there is a war in this country for power, we are the unwitting pawns in this war.

    We must stop honoring old institutions and bring order to our country based on what is going on now. Not only must we look at new inequities (our founding fathers were considering the recent independence from England), we must reconsider everything that is outdated. We must review the Constitution and we must add a new Constitution, one that honors all that we are now.

    Bill of Rights states:


    In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.”

    We understand that twenty dollars of two hundred years ago is very different than the twenty dollars of today and so we have updated our standards in relation to Amendment VII.

    We must consider this update for every single Amendment in the Bill of rights. We must. Yesterday is not better, nor more important than today. Quite the contrary, today is more important than any yesterday has ever been.

    Donald Trump and the Republican Congress are liars and thieves, stop respecting position and treat them like the people that they are.