Do Your Best Tribe
- Not perfect – but just do your best.
- Will you try & be a good person, might not be totally good (look at us) but know where the line is and don’t cross it.
- Listen to your parents – you don’t always like what they say but one day you will realize they are very, very smart and know what they are doing.
- Do your best in school – not straight A’s but if you get As and Bs that would be cool. Actually I got some C & Ds.

April 2013 Busch Gardens…
Bruce Says:
I babysat for my daughter today for 4 hours. At 63 years old that seems longer for some reason. Was it that I helped raise 2 daughters? Or was it something else? My wife, my daughter and my wife’s daughter went to lunch at Nordstrom’s. A gourmet lunch, shopping afterwards spending time together! A dream come true.

In the meantime, Poppy is watching the boys (3 and 1). What a couple of characters. The first hour was pretty calm. Block building and crashing them down – 1,000 times. Getting out all the toys from the toy box, played cars, played games, ran around, etc.,etc., and activities, each for five minutes. TV: childrens’ programs on all day, good for 5 – 10 minutes spurts, more so for the one year old.
O.K. 2 and 1/2 hours: let’s go outside since your little brother will not take a nap: “His Mother” says he takes a nap every day at 1:00 like clock work. The little guy is smart. He know he is at Poppy’s house. Poppy will not let me cry for more than one minute. Poppy will came get me out of bed and keep playing. I digress: back to the outside –
The older one swims well. The one year old not yet. Running around the pool to keep up with the one year old, keeping an eye on the swimmer. Out of the pool, running around the yard, throwing both balls in the pond, throwing sticks in the pool, etc.,etc.
Time to go in!
Change clothes, diaper, more food and more food. TV, jumping on the couch, jumping off the couch, hugging, loving, tickling, So much Love!
O.K. mommy’s home. Time for a beer run. Just kidding – a fantastic day for both me and my wife.
So much can happen in one year. Let me start with getting married on 12/21/2012. I never dreamed that I would be getting married at 60 years old. My first marriage was at 21 years old and I thought it would be forever. It lasted 36 years. My first wife passed away 4 years ago. Too soon –too young.
I could either stay stuck in my grief or move forward with my life. I decided to move forward. I had so much to live for. I had two beautiful daughters and two beautiful granddaughters. I digress, back to the last year.
In the last year my wife and I have been blessed with two beautiful grandchildren. My youngest daughter had a little boy and my wife’s youngest son had a little girl. Since I met my wife we have been blessed with 5 grandchildren. With our combined families we have 9 children and 14 grandchildren. Wow! I told my wife the other day how we were some of the richest people in the world. Bill Gates and Oprah may have a lot of money, but they do not have what we have nor can they afford it. We are surrounded by bright, beautiful, healthy children.
I have promised my wife to live to 90. She makes sure my diet and vitamins and lifestyle will insure that promise. So much to look forward to. We both love to be around our children and grandchildren. I already mentioned that they are all beautiful, they are also full of energy and laughter and love. They keep us young.
I give thanks every day for a second chance at life. It has not always been easy. Some family members and close friends have distanced themselves from me and my new wife. They cannot accept another woman in my life after so many years with my first wife. They need to realize that she may not be physically present, but will always be a part of us. I hope in time they will learn to move forward as I have. Life is too short not to.
I could go on, but all I really want to say is Happy Anniversary Johanna! Thank you for coming into my life.
Love, Bruce
You must constantly steer the ship so you need the captain and the first mate to navigate and sometimes it is difficult and sometimes both of you are tired. The only thing that works is for both of you to steer the ship. 3/1/13
“Give and Take & Communicate.” 11/9/12
“Focus your love and attention on the one you have chosen and you will never stray.”
Tip #10 For Richer for Poorer, Sickness and Health, etc.
Not easy, Doesn’t always work. But what else can you say? It says it all!
Tip #9 Enjoy Life Together
Different interests are fine, however find something that you both enjoy. The more you do together, the closer you will be. (I am not talking about that, although extremely important) – Hobbies, sports, traveling, etc.
Tip # 8 One Secret
One secret is to get along and enjoy all generations. If you can enjoy your grandkids, your “teens”, your older children and their friends, your sisters and brothers (cousins too), you will have a fulfilling life.
Tip # 7 Positive Outlook
Life isn’t always fair. Things don’t always go as you planned and Life Happens. Make the best of it. I am not being “naive”. I am saying how you view life, either negative or positive – is what your life will become.
Tip # 6 Reflection
Take the time to reflect on where you have been, where you are and where you would like to be. The fun part is there is no one right answer. We are all different. Find out what works for you. Enjoy. Life!
Tip # 5 Take Care of Yourself
You can party, however, make time to take care of yourself. You owe it to your spouse, kids, grandkids, friends, not to mention yourself!
Tip #4 Keep an OPEN Mind
You may not always be right – Sometimes you may not agree at all. You go along for argument sake, and to your surprise, things really work out Great. Note: Also works Vice (a) Versa.
Tip #3 Be Faithful to Your Partner
Even Tiger Woods would tell you – The brief amount of pleasure is not worth all the “Shit” you will go through.
Tip #2 Positive Outlook
Life isn’t always fair. Things don’t always go as you planned – life happens. Make the best of it. I am not being “naive”. I am saying how you view life, either negative or positive is what your life will become.
Tip #1
To those of you who have small kids – hardest job in the world! But most rewarding! Enjoy every moment, Life is made of great moments and memories. I congratulate you on a job well done.
Bruce likes to write “Tips for Living” which he writes on scraps of paper that are tucked into the back of drawers and behind folders and knick knacks on shelves. I’ve decided to give him his own tab here so that I can record these notes for posterity.
Lessons Learned from My Mom:
1. Try some things you may be scared of or not want to do, you may like it!
2. Everyone’s the same and should be treated as such * Respect * Didn’t matter if someone had $2.00 or $2,000,000.00.
3. Materialism – true style must come from within, not from a name brand on your clothing.
4. Respect for Women! Don’t take advantage of women.
5. Respect for elders and learn basic manners, such as m’am and sir…
6. Do something – Do it well –
7. Health, you are as young as you think you are.
8. Spirituality – Live by what you believe. As youngsters, getting us all to church was a miracle, that’s when you got dressed up to go to church. Mom studied all different religions; didn’t say her beliefs were right and everyone else was wrong. If your beliefs work for you and make your life better – fantastic!
So this one I found (8/6/12) on a yellowed index card stuck inside a Joel Osteen book:
Relax for Easy Power
1. Don’t feel you are carrying weight of world on shoulders.
2. Determine to like your work.
3. Plan your work – work your plan.
4. Don’t try to do everything at once.
5. Get a correct mental attitude. Think your work is easy and it will be.
6. Become efficient in your work. “Knowledge is power”. It is always easier to do a thing right.
7. Practice being relaxed.
8. Discipline yourself not to put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Three Secrets to Life (found in a drawer 9/30/12)
Do not totally concentrate on the destination, or you will forget to Enjoy the journey along the way.
Maintain a sense of humor, especially towards yourself, Don’t get too serious about life.
Nothing stays the same, Life is always changing.
Management by Bruce (Begun 2013):
Never allow your staff to feel apologetic or guilty about medical appointments or taking care of their family. Your staff will be loyal to you, if you are loyal to them.
Guide your employees by example – in treating them with respect and as equals (in the sense of not being superior but as a human to another human). Just because you are their boss doesn’t make you a better person.
Take the time to listen to their ideas on how to improve the work flow. They are the actual ones doing the work on a daily basis. You may not always agree with their suggestions, but let them know the reason why you may not agree. As a maager you have more information than them. Share the information. Try and support their ideas as much as possible, otherwise they will stop giving you input.
They [the staff] should be the experts in their field. Your job as a manager is to support them and ask them what they need from you to make their job easier. This could involve the purchase of equipment, flexible hours for work day (rather than 8:00 – 5:00) working from home 1 day a week, etc.
This page is dedicated to Jackie Baynard; Jackie was a great inspiration for Bruce.
Stacy Storr
Great tips!! And I don’t know how Grandma Baynard got all of you to church, dressed. I struggle with getting just 2 to school sometimes : )
Management by Bruce was the kind of boss I always tried to be. I remember once at DACCO, there was a woman named Peggy. She was close to retirement and excellent at speaking her mind. I had made a policy that counselors had to put together their own charts after an admission. This was due to complaints from my support staff that they could use some help accomplishing too many tasks. One day I was feeling absolutely overwhelmed, with meetings, phone calls, counseling, etc. so as I dashed off to a meeting, I put a stack of new admissions on Peggy’s desk with a not, “Could you please put these charts together for me? RHIP”. The next day, Peggy asked what RHIP meant, and I said, “Rank Has Its Privileges”. She says, without a moments hesitation, “Oh yeah? Well RSSW”. When I asked her what that stood for, she said, “Rank Shits the Same Way”.
That is one of my all time favorite stories, and always makes me laugh. It has the advantage of showing off the kind of boss I was (she knew she could say that and I would appreciate it), and humbling me. I loved Peggy!