As a member of some wardrobe and consumerism threads on Reddit, I have begun to see this term often: my aspirational self. It took a long time for the idea to sink into my psyche.
An aspirational self is someone I’d like to be, I’m not quite there yet. The truth, I may not ever be that self. In some cases, it’s ridiculous to think that I’ll ever be my aspirational self.
It’s a concept that I have discussed with hubby before. Not realizing what it was. Most of my clothes are from LLBean, which is a clothing store dedicated to the outside. Their tag line is “be an outsider”. They often print “bring the outside in” on their materials. Hubby wants to know why I shop there. I am not able to spend much time outside. I’m in my 60s and I’m disabled. Me spending time outside is aspirational thinking. I am not a rugged individual who will go on a hike.

This spring I am going through lots of things in my house, it’s a spring cleaning.
I keep running across my aspirational self. These items have never been worn or never been used (it’s not the LLBean clothes, I do use them).
When I make the purchase, I really believe in it, I’m thrilled to receive it, but then it doesn’t turn out. Part of the reason is the vast experimentation that online shopping is, but most of the time the reason is that aspirational self who wants to be someone that I am not.
I’ve left behind many identities in my life and for some reason, I can’t seem to pick up and define a new one. One of the reasons I find it so difficult is what is left for me? I have been a successful manager, I was a therapist for many years, I was a director of finance. As a young woman I was attractive and received a lot of attention because I was beautiful. I dressed up often and turned heads when I did.
Always I see myself as lithe and put together. I reasoned that because I cared about my appearance that I was managing my identity well. Successful and attractive businesswoman.
I want to continue receiving the respect and the care that I was given when I was in my business persona. I want to be glamorous and well done.
But why? That’s all done now and I can’t seem to get over it.
Who am I now? Crazy old lady? Gramma with an attitude? Fun and casual blog writer? I’m not even lithe anymore and really haven’t been for a long time. I worked hard to get through the disability part. But, here I am not wanting to put away the aspirational me!
The clothes, the purses, even the jewelry, for what? I’m not going anywhere. I’m not finished with life, but the young, attractive dressed up me is gone. I’ve accomplished much and now it’s time to enjoy. But I still can’t let the beautiful clothes and all of the accoutrements that go along with them, I can’t let them go. I love scarves and dangling earrings and handbags and pretty dresses. Of course I also like t-shirts and shorts, slacks and sweaters. But it’s the pretty stuff that’s fun and gratifying.
Like learning and accepting my disability, I must learn and accept my current status and life circumstances. I’ve always prided myself on authenticity and here I am trying to be something else, something that I am not.
Here is the deal, I have to quit buying things that fit into the category of what I wish to be. I’m not professional, I’m not working. I’m not lithe. I can’t go on a hike. I don’t have an occasion for a cocktail party. The cocktail get-togethers that I go to, I wear a t-shirt, shorts and sandals. No one wears cocktail rings at these get-togethers. We all go casual.
I’ve been spending too much money on some things and someone who doesn’t exist. I’ve got to stop now.