I’m not sure I understand why the great states of America are still following some old rules as made up by and for the House of Representatives. These rules have been around for far too long and they don’t serve the American people.
One of the most enduring tests of logic is does “this” work for the apparatus that it is serving. When we ask this question about the current rules around the House of Representatives, when we ask this question about the Electoral college, when we ask this question about so many political concepts…the answer is no. Almost without exception, the rules around the House of Representative and Congress were made by a bunch of old white men, who are not even the majority in this country.
A group of people are ostensibly elected by other people in this country. Those who are elected can commit crimes and still continue to legislate in this country. In fact, the legislative body has made quite a few laws that are nothing but to their own advantage. For their entire tenure Congress has health care that is highly subsidized, up to 75% but usually no more than 72%.

And what really happens is ridiculous. Ethics seem rare in public office. If a public officer breaks a law they are just as likely to change the law and back-date it, once the case is reviewed. This was how DeSantis resolved his use of public funds to take migrants from Texas and fly them to a northern state in a publicity stunt early in his campaign for presidency. Nothing has happened to him, he hasn’t even been questioned.
Those who work for these types of public officers, people who wouldn’t take a paperclip home with them, will allow and defend their bosses to continue this type of unethical behavior. In fact, the unethical behavior couldn’t continue without the help of their staff (paid for with public funds).
Back to the Point
We have a Congress that is not working. The reason they are not working is that they don’t care about working for America anymore. They are focused on their own righteousness and that is just about all that is happening in the House of Representatives. And the rules allow them to behave this way.
Let’s make some new rules~
If you’re not participating, in a working process, then get out.
When you cease to serve the people of the United States, get out! We don’t need you.
Tommy Tuberville, get out. You aren’t working for Americans anymore, you stopped quite a while ago. Why do we have rules that allow Tuberville (all by himself) to hold up our military to the detriment of national security?

Clarence Thomas decided that being around an uber wealthy friend who gave him uber wealthy gifts would not affect his legal opinion. He has been getting away with it for 30 years because we don’t have any rules to manage unethical Justice’ behavior. Our supreme court justices are supposed to be above all of that, sort of like Congress? Above the laws of “other” people. Their job doesn’t depend on their criminal behavior, they can continue making laws for the rest of us mortals.
It’s B.S. and everyone knows it.
It no longer serves us to follow the old white men rules, we need to make our own!
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