The wealthy in this country have been working with your legislator to keep you poor, no matter what you do.

Every single inequality can be defined with money. Money is the great equalizer.
We’ve been placated for a long time and each time, we the American people, gave to peace, we lost our dignity. Now we must take it all back.
You have a role and you have power in the coming Revolution, but it’s not the role you may think.
We gave our power away. It is our time to simply take it back.
Without Violence — we take our power back, in the same way that our power was taken from us. We change our legislators. We change our laws. We commit ourselves to economic equality.
Banning together is a number one priority: equality, in every way, for every human.
Shared Values:
Economic Equality — human beings must share all resources with each other.
How do we get to it without violence, hatred and anger?
1. Ban Together
2. Organize, agree on specific measurable goals.
a. spend 5–50 days working on campaigns to ensure the November elections of Progressives.
b. all workers strike from McDonald’s for 2 days, until the minimum wage is increased to 17.00 per hour
3. Communicate with each other and support each other’s efforts.
4. Scream power to the elite.
5. We are not here to fight, we are here to make right.
For you who work for the government: every chance you get, every request that is made for the good of another, use all of your power to give to the good of others.
1. Give food stamps, give support and give aid.
2. Every wounded person in your care, will not fear you because they see and feel your compassion.
3. Interrupt when others are injuring humans. Call out when behavior injures others.
4. Make grants to all that it is possible to do so.
5. No blame necessary, only change.
For you in poverty-stricken communities, power is in numbers, striking is very effective, coming together in numbers is powerful. We have to change the story.
Make everything you do count for the Revolution:
1. Vote for the progressive candidate and then keep that candidate accountable.
2. Workers’ Unions have been effective for keeping workers safe and paid well.

3. Whatever you do, stay strong: No is not an answer.