A UPV is a point of view that you have developed on your own with no input from any other person.

If the only way you know how to argue is by being aggressive and mean, you are suffering from UPV: Unidimensional Point of View.
I don’t care who you are, if all you want to do is talk about your own point of view, you are suffering from UPV.
If you have “heard it all before”, you are suffering from UPV.
If you are smarter than anyone else, then you are probably suffering from UPV.
Society serves the purpose of diverse and original thinking shared among others. This sharing helps us to check one’s self. The point is that we live so much better when we are in congress with others. We must have others that are different than we are, and it must be others who are willing to be honest. A sycophant doesn’t help you to learn. A sycophant simply agrees with your unidimensional point of view.

You can only have a UPV if you are alone, or are so powerful that no one is willing to disagree with you. This is a problem only for anyone who is interested in learning or growing.
This doesn’t alarm some people. Some people would rather have their own unique point of view than to have humans in their life. They would rather be alone than to invite others into their verbal space. Still others will contrive power and use that power to keep their own opinions without conflict. These are the weak. These are the people who cannot handle a point of view that is different than their own. These folks live inside of their own mind. No other mind invited, nor welcomed.
Sometimes, many people suffer from UPV as a group, and that is called groupthink. This happens when everyone has the same point of view and no dissenting opinion is allowed.
If you are comfortable with your belief system, then you are probably suffering from UPV. It takes challenge to be open minded, it takes an uncomfortable feeling in order to consider other beliefs, other opinions and other points of view than your own. It’s painful to hear someone else’s opinion, particularly when it doesn’t reflect your own. Yet it’s healthy.
If you want to learn, if you want to be part of others lives, if you want to be part of this wide world, you must be practiced at listening. You must be capable of listening to others in order to have them in your life. When this is true, when you want others in your life, when you are open, you can no longer be unidimensional and you become multidimensional. Is this you?