Dear Pat,
We want to apologize for not showing up at Shannon’s. Without parking places, John felt like giving it up, so that’s that.
I am very appreciative of the one evening, we were to see almost all the young ones. I was also grateful to everyone being so kind and loving to me.
Hearing the young ones saying, I love you sounds so sweet and open, like an ordinary, glad to see you.
I guess I could have learned from them. If I had practiced saying instead of that noble old saying “to love is to serve. It might have helped a wee bit.
Then again, the older generation didn’t blurt out “I love you.” It just seems like we were too shy and backwards. This is all bologna. I do feel a bit dumb. They are all lovely and I wish we had seen more of them.
Every good thing should come to you.
Love to every one
My mother, always in the midst of an emotional tornado.
From Me to My Mom
To ease her pain because I was 3000 miles away:
Tears for you because you will always fight too and because you must watch us – stumble through journeys you have already made and you know you cannot help us and yet you are bound by some invisible magic and mystery that once made you our lifelines.