Personal Growth


The wise person realizes that his own experience does not reflect the universe, but only a very small, small fraction of the universe and therefore a wise person is accepting of differences of experience.  It also follows that a wise person makes no assumptions and avoids the minds tendency to categorize everyone into belief structures.  The wise person wants to experience the now and so avoids pre-conceived notions and ideas.

You can only know or be aware of these things if you do not try to contain THE universe within YOUR universe.  The universe is diverse and has very few issues with right and wrong.  On the other hand, if you go through your experience unchallenged, you may begin to believe that you have an inside track with God and you may begin thinking that you can determine what is right and what is wrong.  You may begin to believe that your opinion in all matters must dictate how the universe works.  This will make you vulnerable to much frustration and even anger because, for the most part, the universe works as it wishes and is not dictated by a person’s opinion.

In some ways, this is the beginning of true personal growth – the acknowledgement of otherness in the universe, a willingness to experience the otherness, not as a threat, but as another part of an inclusive universe.

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