I know this and I preach this. The wishes for karma, the wish for a vengeful God, the wish for the rich to be rejected from heaven, are all just that: wishful thinking. Religion is a structure that gives the peasant, the working masses; reasons to keep going from day to day.
America gives a chance to live beyond a survival mode and an opportunity to actually experience life. It is an epic growth opportunity, but it requires choice. What I mean by this is that, you must be consciously willing to go past the ego’s survival to another consciousness that includes more than just the self. It is a conscious choice and cannot be made by an unconscious ego that concerns itself with only self, and is in survival. This living, which is a step up on Maslow’s hierarchy, requires the self to be concerned with others, to think of others and ultimately to have compassion for others.
This is all in the background of my mind and so affects how I view how the presidential election played itself out. I am deeply ashamed by what we have done here in America (and of course, we have done worse). I am embarrassed that people I love actually support Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. I understand that justice does not exist, so I do not fight the idea that the electoral college “trumps” the popular vote. The majority of America prefers Hillary Clinton, but…too bad, so sad. Bruce and I each have a young nephew that supports Trump, one posting on Facebook “I’m not racist or bigoted, I just like Trump.” The other posting on Snapchat “I am a deplorable.” There is a thought by these young people that Trump will change Washington ~ and I am sure he will. I don’t know if they noticed that the same old republican senators are following Trump around. Capitalism will continue to reign supreme in this country. It will not be beneficial to the working person, not at all. Capitalism in America is just like Trump, concerned with self and with no other.
In the back of my mind is the thought that this is a white man’s war against anyone and everyone who challenges the authority of the white man. It’s been a comfortable position for the white man here in America, and who would give that up willingly? Capitalism has been the white man’s weapon and they have used it well to repress all others. White men owned Madison Avenue and spun their own stories of reality. It is almost unbelievable how many Americans keep falling for the fairy tales that Madison Avenue keeps spinning. From the cigarette industry to the current mortgage catastrophe, advertising companies have sold Americans a bill of goods that Americans keep buying.
No wonder the uneducated working class white male voted for Trump, and their women, who voted the same! The problem identification is so wrong. Working people will not have their life improved by an emphasis on capitalism, witness the last 10 years, capitalism has almost wiped us out. Capitalism has decreased the middle class by more than 15% – all of those people are now poor. The loss of homes still proceeds at an epic rate.
I am more scared than I have ever been, even when Bush was president. I believe that egos are in control and egos are always about survival and self. This is bad news for each and every other person. The person in power will always chose self when the ego is in control.
Cash, guns and food ~ Bruce and I have decided to launch a defensive campaign, just in case. We are putting together a reserve of cash, guns and food. But make no mistake; we are able to do this. There are millions who cannot. Twenty percent of Americans live below the poverty level. For those in poverty, there is no such thing as a reserve. We are looking towards some very bad times here in America, and I am scared, not just for me, but for everyone.