• Baby Boomers,  Personal Growth,  Psychology of Life,  Womens Issues

    Beauty and the Bras

    Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

    I was reviewing all the great Sports Illustrated Swim edition photos published on Instagram.  It is all great fun.  I did get offended though and here is what happened…A 55 year old woman “with silver hair who says she wants to change how society views women over 50”.  The problem is that this woman, looked exactly like all of the other models except she has silver hair.  How is that changing the perception of how people view women over 50?

    The young looks are not youth.  This woman had perfected the young look.  This is the same as all women either do or try to do.  How is that different in any way?  I liked the plus size model and the model with alopecia.  Now those models are different and bring a new point of view to modeling.

    By the time I was twenty five years old, I had a scar on my stomach (straight up and down) from my two caesarean sections.  After breastfeeding several humans, my breasts are no longer perky.  Later, as I got past my forties, I put on a few pounds, a very few, but still.  Ironically, I never got a grey hair until I was 60 years old.  My skin is unbearably white and because of that, I am somewhat allergic to the sun.  When I get too much sun I break out in hives.  When I was in my 40s: I tore my meniscus and so now I sport a few scars there from the surgery.  At 55 years old I was a tiny bit overweight, scarred, with pale skin and long brown – blonde hair.  That is a body that would change the perception of women over 50.  What I mean by that is that, at the time, I was still attractive.  However, no one would have considered putting me on the swimsuit calendar, not without an airbrush.

    That’s my point, we only want to look at young perfection.  We want perfect skin, perfect skin tone and a flat tummy for our swim suit calendars.  We aren’t open to seeing real women, their real skin with sagging breasts and scars on the belly.  We have manufactured sexiness into perfection.  We don’t need to do this.  We can love the bodies we have and present them that way too.  We don’t have to be embarrassed by our imperfections.  They were never imperfections until airbrushes were (in fact) invented.

    I was young when, in the early sixties, women everywhere, were burning their bras.  It was a freeing period in women’s history.  Did we really have to bind our bodies and be uncomfortable and hurt just to leave the house?  Women everywhere were throwing their bras into big burning barrels.  We thought we were on our way to victory and to emancipation!

    Instead, bras came back with a vengeance and this time they were stylized, sexy and 3 times as expensive as they used to be.  If you don’t have perky breasts you can look like you do have perky breasts for $42.00.

    There are lots of beauties in my family, and all of the women, have a story to tell about their own struggle with body beauty.  There are so many stories about that struggle, so very many stories.  Young women are buying botox injections, or purchasing micro-blading for eyebrows, or having fat sucked out of the tummy to bring back that before-baby feeling.  All of this for why?  The body beauty is still so very beautiful at 35 and 40 and all of the way along to our own date with death.  The physical body owns beauty and needs not the artist’s paint in order to be beautiful. 

    Bras & Beauty
    Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

    Marketing sexuality as a function of all beautiful young women has pushed our perceptions into a place of non-reality.  This non-reality takes away the gratefulness that we have for the here and now.  For example, the here and now that I am sixty years old and am still sexy.  The here and now of forty-nine that looks like thirty-two and is still gorgeous right now.

    Women, at any age, are beautiful, just as they are.  We don’t need airbrushes and don’t need perky breasts.  We need to be appreciated for who and what we are, right here and right now.

  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  Psychology of Life,  World Affairs

    Shoes, Karaoke and the Demise of America

    James Corden found out that Celine Dion has ten thousand (10,000) pairs of shoes. During carpool karaoke, James laughingly forced Celine to give away several pair of her shoes. She gripped the shoes lovingly before relinquishing them with anxious words.

    When the Philippines president’s wife, Imelda Marcos, had one thousand (1,000, [I heard it was 2,000]) pairs of “luxury” shoes, the whole world gasped and expressed shock. No one could believe how much greed went into such decisions.

    Of course, there is no comparison between the two. Imelda Marcos was a greedy criminal, who put herself above and before her country’s people. Her and her husband have the Guinness World Record for having stolen the most amount of money from a country. They robbed the country until the poor were starving. Imelda and her husband Ferdinand lived lavishly in palaces, with an unlimited spend budget.

    I don’t want to mistake these two women at all: Imelda Marcos and Celine Dion. The only thing that they have in common is a love for shoes.

    Shoes by Jaclyn Moy, Unsplash

    What I want to address is the view that we Americans have in regards to wealth. Over the weekend, a wealthy philanthropist paid all student loans for a graduating class at Morehouse college. Later, a public comment was made about Oprah Winfrey, something to the effect of “why did she only give a book to the graduating class when she delivered her commencement speech? Why didn’t she pay off the debts of the graduating class?” Of course, this question was meant to be hurtful to Oprah Winfrey…

    What I want to ask, is it ridiculous that Celine Dion has 10,000 pairs of shoes? We have a predatory capitalist society that has murdered and buried the middle class. Do the wealthy owe something to the country that has made them wealthy? Is it ok for unwitting wealthy people to stand aside and allow this country’s poor to suffer hunger and to die from a lack of health care?

    Is it okay for women like Celine Dion to have ten thousand pairs of shoes when there are thousands of women who cannot afford an outfit to wear to a job interview? Is it okay for the wealthy to stand aside, perhaps donating a bit to their churches and synagogues in order to assuage guilt; and to allow the masses of this country to be abolished by predatory capitalism?

    I don’t think that the comment to Oprah was appropriate. I do think that we can ask those that are more fortunate, if they will contribute to making this country a much better place. It’s not enough for us to elect a good president.

    There is so much more that must be done to reverse the trend of predatory capitalism. There is so much more to do to reverse the complete control that the military complex has on our tax dollars. We need to take those dollars and invest in the human beings that live in this country. We must make sure that the minimum wage is a fair one. We must build roads and schools and even libraries. We must make advanced education available to all who want to do the work of it. We must take profit out of health care and recognize that health care is a human right. We must do all of these things to recognize that humans are the greatest wealth of a nation.

    Caleb Woods, Unsplash

    We need to get it right and we need to do it soon, and if we don’t, you can be sure that all is lost. So, Oprah Winfrey, if you’re listening, use your influence, not to sell a product, not to sell a book, but to help this America find its true north.

  • It is What it is...,  Management,  Psychology of Life

    Humiliation can Cure you of any Good Feelings that you have for Yourself

    I’ve always considered myself a badass.  That’s because I managed methadone clinics for many years.  Any kind of crazy patient interaction you can imagine, was part of my daily routine.  Once a patient lunged over my desk in an attempt to choke me; once I jumped between a man and his battered and pregnant wife, he was trying to hit her again.  I once had a cop (gun and all) lean over my desk and tell me that if I didn’t give him an address I was going to jail.  I also had to fire people dozens of times over the years, and mostly I was the kind of manager that if I was firing you, you knew you deserved it.  Every once in a while, I would fire someone who jumped up and started yelling or lean in and start threatening.  It’s part and parcel of being a good manager, you don’t leave the difficult patients to staff: you manage them.  Don’t get me wrong.  Working in clinical care is tremendously satisfying.  There is nothing better than helping a sick person get well.

    At some point I got tired of it and I went to work for the “back of the house”.  I got a job at headquarters for a large company with clinical services throughout the state.  I was hired as a manager in accounting and was extremely lucky to have an excellent and professional staff.  What a gift they were.  They knew how to manage every facet of the business and had institutional knowledge about my new job.  I was so confident that I accepted a promotion, even though I would be working for “the witch”.  I had already been working for a witch, so I thought “what the hell”.

    from Unsplash

    I began with some anxiety, but only temporary stuff.  I was unsure about the job and there were some complex problems in place that I needed to resolve.  I actually enjoyed the work and my intellect started humming.  My brain gives me good strokes when I meet and resolve challenges.  Any challenge was welcome to me and I quickly became the go-to for staff.  Part of that was my helpful attitude, but the other part of it was that my boss dumped everything on me.  Supervisees were transferred to my supervision and large projects became my projects.

    When given a project, I naturally assumed that decisions about the project were my own.  After all my position as a senior manager made me a decision-maker.  I soon found that “the witch” considered me a typist and not much more.  After I made one such project decision, she decided I needed more supervision and began requiring me to meet with her daily.  She once told an entire department that they could not assist me on a project.   A few of them confided in me that they were scared for their jobs and didn’t even want anyone to know that we were talking.  (I was just wondering why everyone was acting so weird?)

    I was literally becoming sick because of the way that she treated me.  I started calling in sick too.  I had a perpetual case of nausea and soon found out that I suffered from ulcers.  I had ulcers because I was taking ibuprofen on the daily to help with the pain.  And still…

    Every morning I had to meet with this woman.  She never allowed me to meet with my staff alone.  She invited herself to every meeting.  Often, she would tell me that I was wrong.  She always sought an audience when telling me I was wrong; she said it in front of my staff and once she said it in front of the entire administrative department of the organization.  Other staff members grimaced and shook their head.  They said to me “glad it’s not me”.

    After a couple of years, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  No wonder I was taking ibuprofen so much, my central nervous system was back-firing.  Every bit of pain I felt was magnified.  The nausea would not go away.

    And still…I had to meet with this woman every morning.  She told her supervisor that my achievements were her own, and reported every error I made as my own.  I was presented as a problem child.  Her supervisor never figured out how incongruent her words and actions were.  I did the work, I reported in on the work and yet I was “the problem child”.  I was evaluated highly and given a raise, but those facts were not revealed to anyone else.  My boss did not want anyone to know the good work that I did.

    Kevin Grieve, Unsplash

    This woman was not adept at facing/confronting me (or anyone) on her own and so would always use a third party to communicate with me.  One such meeting occurred with her supervisor, who told me “I don’t care if she knows what she is doing (referring to designing a process), do whatever she tells you to do.”  This meeting was the beginning of the end.  I realized that my boss was very skilled politically and that no amount of me doing the job well would be good for me or give me a positive outcome.  There would always be a counter-attack to my stellar performance.  I was being humiliated often and it had affected my body so much that I was now ill.  Every day she found a way to frustrate and insult me.  Sometimes it was a sneak attack via a meeting, but often it was just a condescending email.

    I know I am still a badass; that doesn’t mean that I have to take unlimited abuse.  There was no way that I could figure out how to make this woman stop insulting me in public.  She was so calm about it.  Often, only subordinates recognized her bad behavior.  Senior management staff never even directly saw her bad behavior.  That’s how I knew what a pervasively cruel campaign she was running.  If it was just ignorant bad behavior, she would engage in it all of the time, however, no senior manager ever saw her bad behavior.  She turned it on and off like a faucet.  I do blame senior management.  It is my belief that a manager must be held accountable for their own staff.  When star performers leave an organization, it’s time for senior managers to investigate behaviors.  I have always held myself accountable for my staff and I expect all managers to do the same.  Often, senior managers hold themselves “above all that” and that is a shame.  They lose the opportunity for genuinely effective staff management.

    I never saw myself as a bad manager, but what did happen to me is that I began seeing myself as someone who could not take it.  As much as I did not want to admit it, as much as I hated it, I had to realize that I needed to get out of there.  My sanity and my physical body were giving way to the poison of her control of me.  This damaged me in ways that I could not even identify.

    Who knew that humiliation and degradation would be the key to hurting me and eventually getting rid of me?  Who knew?  (Not me.)

  • Baby Boomers,  Personal Growth,  Psychology of Life

    For Women over 40

    For Women over 40 and for all the Women who will be over 40 Someday

    It is totally okay.  You are beautiful.  Your body is perfect.  You don’t have to be a size 2 to think your body is attractive.  You can be a size 22, and guess what?  You are still beautiful.  You can’t change that fact. 

    It is okay if your face gets wrinkled.  It is okay to have sagging jowls.  The beauty industrial complex wants you to believe that you must stay slim and have tight skin in order to be beautiful.  And let’s face it, in our society, we equate beauty with worth.

    Stop doing that.

    Your worth is not in your face or your body.  Your worth is you.  You are worthy, you are valuable, you are you, as you are. 

    Beauty has a long and rich history.  Humans love beauty.  We make beauty and even decide what is beautiful.  It is our society’s decision that thin is beautiful, just as it is our society’s decision that diamonds are valuable.  Neither is inherently true, except that our thinking makes it so. 

    The key word is decision.  Humans make these decisions.  We make these decisions as a group, or as an individual.  We hope that the group agrees with us, but we do not set our sight on agreement.  The thing is, when we love someone, they are beautiful.

    When you look at an old woman’s face, you may think that it is less attractive.  Often men age better… This is a trick of social thinking.  We have all, simply been taught that men’s aging is positive, and woman’s aging is negative.  This affects how we see women and men.  We project this societal judgment onto how we view women and men.  It’s no wonder, as men do dominate our culture.

    If you wonder if men still dominate our culture, look at some of these societal features: men are top chefs (how did that happen? Women have been cooking since the beginning of time).  Men are leading fashion designers (did John Galliano really put women’s heads in colored saran wrap for a fashion show?).  Men outnumber women as principals of schools and yet, women dominate as teachers…

    The most effective and the best thing that we can do individually is to define ourselves as valuable and beautiful.  We stand as our own judgment and we choose to judge ourselves positively and powerfully, lending power to each other for each and every day.

    The flower “yells” its beauty at us.

    Equity, equality, it all matters.  If you want to know how to make your own individual difference, tell yourself and your world how beautiful you are.  Decide your own rules for beauty.  Always, always lend that beauty to others.

  • Baby Boomers,  Love and Relationships,  Philosophy,  Psychology of Life,  Speaking as a Parent

    Don’t be Smug, Everything doesn’t Happen for a Reason

    Whenever I hear this trite cliché, “Everything happens for a reason.” I want to smack a person.

    This statement is only made by people who have never had anything truly horrible happen to them, or to people who believe (erroneously) that the bad things that happened in the past brought them to the good place they are in the present.

    I am grieving a friend and companion mother who has passed away.  I have known Dolly for 17 years.  In the beginning we were close and have since drifted.  She is my granddaughter’s other grandmother so her presence has always been felt in my life.  When our granddaughter was born, we both stayed the entire night at the hospital.  We were that excited and that happy to welcome Cadence into the world.  Dolly and I are two very different women who found common ground in our love for our children and granddaughter.

    Photo by Jenna Norman, Unsplash

    When we met, I was 43 and Dolly was 42.  Dolly and I come from the same generational space, we were into the hippie culture of love and marijuana.  Dolly had three children at a very early age, and I had two.  We had both been raised in poverty and suffered from the kind of neglect that comes with being from a poor family.  It wasn’t the best beginning for either of us.  We both found good men to love, men who supported us both emotionally and financially.

    In the last 17 years, all three of her children were married and each had a child.  Since that time that I met her, her first son was murdered in a drug deal gone bad.  He and his wife were estranged and Dolly lost sight of that grandchild.  Dolly’s second son was killed by a drunk driver.  Because his child’s mother was not capable of taking care of their child, Dolly took that child / her grandson into her home to raise.

    Our kids divorced and my son got custody of our granddaughter.  For a long time, he was generous with her time and visitation with Dolly. 

    Dolly was then widowed, but not before developing cancer for the first time.  Everyone was so happy with her first remission!  After Dolly was widowed, her home became chaotic and the drug culture of her youth returned.  Dolly never used, but with her daughter and daughter in law coming and going, it became hard to keep track of the house.

    There came a time when my granddaughter’s visitation to Dolly’s home had to stop.  It was just too risky for her to be in that environment.

    Dolly contracted cancer for a second time, but again was able to beat it.  She kept her faith and her Christianity became her most important support.  Dolly’s grandson was 15 years old when his girlfriend became pregnant.  Dolly made the decision to bring that child into her home also.

    James Newcombe, Unsplash

    It was just too much, it was all just too much.  Remission was no longer; and after collapsing because of her third round with cancer, Dolly passed, surely exhausted and surely having experienced more grief than is fair for one body to experience in a life time.  So “what happened for a reason” in Dolly’s life?

    Oh, there is more to this story, much more…

    Lest you think that Dolly is an anomaly, what of the thousands of soldiers with this fate: 

    Soldier comes home from war missing his left leg.  He suffers from PTSD and depression.  His family can’t seem to reach him through the malaise of his depressed feelings.  The doctors put him on medication, he doesn’t take it.  Six months later he commits suicide.


    Will you tell his grieving mother, father and family “everything happens for a reason”?

  • It is What it is...,  Love and Relationships,  Speaking as a Parent

    It’s My Ten Year Anniversary

    It is supposed to be our 10 year history.  David and I started out together.  I was writing my first blog when he was learning how to build websites.  Because David is the father of my grandson; I have always had this very special love for him.  For the blog, we worked our way through several years of refining how to post pictures, how to save pictures and how to back up the articles I wrote.  He installed a calendar so that I could track all of my grandchildren.  Of course, David’s work was much more difficult than mine.  He had to teach himself how to code in today’s ever-changing world.

    Then last year, we had a misunderstanding.  I said things, he said things.  I did not realize how much David’s thinking had changed.  We can’t agree on what is more important.  That misunderstanding has cut us apart. 

    What Just Happened

    We are no longer doing this blog together, and I miss him.  We are still a family: he is my grandson’s father.  I did other things, to try to find peace.

    I sent him cards and love notes, but nothing has helped.  Even my daughter (who is NOT married to him) sides with him.  She always sides against me, doesn’t she?

    Families are so complicated.  We love, we leave, we cry and we argue.  We even reconcile, sometimes…

    Now here I am, having my 10 year anniversary by myself.  I would really rather that he would be here with me, celebrating ten years.  I love you David and nothing will ever change that.

  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  Womens Issues,  World Affairs

    American Wealth Dedicated to War

    So much of what our country does has a focus on war.  War is a way of thinking, being, believing and speaking.  Generals have unthinkable power and control over the resources of our nation.  We don’t talk about it, our national conversation never addresses the largest of elephants-in-the room and that is the war machine that lives in the world’s wealthiest nation, America.

    It is the easiest trap to fall into and that is: groupthink.  To be part of the group, you must think the same and agree with the same beliefs.  For the war machine those beliefs include a “never enough” strategy.  A willingness to commit deep crimes to convince America that there is this need for evermore money to commit to the deep hole that is the war machine.

    There is no threat to the United States that could not be eradicated by the United States, in less than two minutes.  And yet, we continue to send good men and women to their deaths in all corners of the world.  Make no mistake about it, war is profitable, and nothing stops change faster than the mighty dollar in the U.S.

    We have enough nuclear weapons to annihilate the possibility of living on planet earth.  No country comes even, a little bit close, to our power in weaponry and killing machines.

    We don’t need to continue to live the dream of World War II.  We don’t need human beings to be cannon fodder anymore.  We are smarter and we are stronger than that.

    The problem is, the Pentagon.  The powerful will not relinquish an inch of power.  Neither will the wealthy war contractors, those who manufacture tanks and rifles and rations, they will not give up the gravy train. Without the sale of war as a good cause to the American people, war would not be possible.  Currently we idolize warriors and this is a very good thing.  We are taking care of soldiers who have been damaged by the war machine.  It would be more than painful to tell these brave humans that the sacrifice was to profit rather than to country.  That doesn’t mean that we should continue to validate a need for war.  We do not need a war, we do not have a need for our sons and daughters to die.

    Truly, can anyone name a reason why we have soldiers in the middle east?  Are we saving American lives?  Are we saving any lives?  The product of war is death, there is no way around that fact.  There is nothing that changes or rearranges that fact.  War equates to death of the warriors and the innocent alike.

    Think of those that manage the huge war machine in the U.S.  It is the job of these to find threats to the United States.  It is the job to construct an argument that justifies the expense of dollars and lives.  It is the job of these to keep this war machine rolling forward and to keep increasing the expense, both in dollars and in lives.

    What if we said no?  No more war?  What if the American people said, we do not want to continue our nation in this manner.  What if we said not more war machine?  We would require a scientific, meaning, a data- driven formulation of meaningful information.  We would allow American mothers to have a vote, we would allow those who pay the price of war, not those who gain from war… to decide when and how to engage.  We could engage without risk to humans and engage without risk to civilians.

    What if we took the possibility of profit out of war?  What if contractors had to complete the complex accounting that Medicaid contractors must complete?  With the idea that auditors could come at any time and disallow expenses and therefor reduce the price of the product?  What if you went to jail for profiting from war?  What if you went to jail for being a war monger?

    Let’s not associate war with the warrior.  Let’s get out of group think and address war for what it really is: a living breathing threat to humanity and perverted profiteering for the few.

  • Love and Relationships

    He Doesn’t Like Her

    He doesn’t like her.  He doesn’t want to make waves because she is a r.e.l.a.t.i.v.e.

    Covertly, he makes sure that she knows that she is not valued by him.  He does not look at her.  When he speaks to her it is insincere, delivered in a monotone.  When she speaks, he speaks over her.  He loves to be part of the delivery of “no” to her.  He waits for the chance to pounce on it.  He waits for a chance to show the world how wrong she is.  He justifies himself in any way possible.

    Secretly, everyone agrees.  The behavior stands.  The behavior continues. Even she allows the behavior.  After all, he is a r.e.l.a.t.i.v.e.  But oddly, when she walks away from him, she feels diminished.

  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  Philosophy,  Psychology of Life

    Justice is a Human Construct

    I was raised a Christian and taught to believe in the concept of justice.  I am the naive type anyway.  I actually always believed that humans’ default was a good one and only rare and awful circumstances created meanness and evil.

    Not any of that is true.  First I don’t believe that justice exists in the universe without the intervention of humans.  Not even Karma is a reality.  In fact, it is all a sophisticated construct for revenge.  We want people and organizations who have harmed us to pay for that harm and often, we want that harm to either equal or exceed our own pain.  This is the way of humans.  Even our language supports the concept of revenge as justice: “he must burn in hell for what he has done to my family.”  This is language we recognize and condone.

    As to the idea of human goodness as a default of thinking and behavior, nothing could be further from the truth.  Humans are not innately good as an overwhelming majority, indeed I think we would be lucky to claim that half of humans see good as a virtue.  The other half of humans are hard wired for selfishness, cruelty and trickery.  They have no interest in other human beings unless those humans can provide for them or profit them in some way.

    At the moment that the crime is occurring, is the only time that we can attain justice, for all of the time after that, the only real thing available to us is restitution.  If we cannot stop the criminal at the point of robbery or stop the rapist from consummating the rape, then the damage is done and there will never be “justice.”  The best that we could ever hope for is to make the criminal give back restitution to the victim.  To hope that the perpetrator suffers to match your own suffering is fruitless, as all people suffer and mostly from their own awareness not from someone else’s awareness.

    Justice is not something that exists out there in the universe.  Justice exists because humans make it so.

  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  World Affairs

    We Have to Decide: What is Truth?

    The most pressing challenge for America is how we will determine truth.  Will we believe the computer screen in front of us?  Will we believe the advertisers on Madison Avenue?  Will we research and do the work of truth?  Will we settle with what is served to us as truth?

    This is such an important question as it determines the future welfare of America.  If we believe that our leader is telling the truth, when in fact our leader tells no truth at all, we end up supporting someone who leads us to doom. 

    We believe the press is a place for lively discussion as well as the ability to disagree, however, we will only watch news that we agree with and that we enjoy or like.  This means that we look only for what will make us happy and will agree with our own opinion.  We refuse to examine truth, or worse yet, get angry when someone gives us a truth that doesn’t agree with our own truth.  As we muck about trying to determine a future for us and our offspring, we can do great harm if we do not at least look at what could be lies, and what could be truth.

    The thing is that it is an effort to see the truth.  Some truths are harder than others, as some truths can violate how we see ourselves.  If I see myself as a strong and hard working person, I may be resentful of those people who do not work.  The only belief that I will support is a belief that strong and hard working people are good and people who do not work are bad.  It doesn’t matter to me why people don’t work, I just believe they are bad.

    It would be no surprise that I would ignore any news that gave people who don’t work *the face of humanity*.  If people who do not work, are okay, then I am just an ordinary working human, not better than anyone.  This may be an unwelcome thought for me.

    Let’s go further and talk about advertising (Madison Avenue).  Somehow advertisers have been able to get men to believe that having a gun and being dominant in relationships, is the correct way to express masculinity.  Additionally, advertisers have convinced women that they need no less than 14 shades of eye shadow and uncountable shades of lipstick.  For anyone who watches TV (everyone) the “right car” is fully automatic and will start itself even if you are 25 feet away.

    I know that we continue to follow what is popular, whenever I go out, I notice that everyone dresses the same (even myself).  Women wear leggings, men wear cargo pants, kids wear jeans with the phone stuffed into the right rear pocket.  It is no different no matter where I go.

    Society has spoken and while we must be special, special means a very specific prescription: dress according to designers, drive according to Madison Avenue advertisers, live according to Facebook, Pinterest and every other advertising means that works in the media.

    So how do we get at the truth?  We can’t seem to trust experts, they are for sale.  What used to be police officers protecting our welfare, now are robots who must collect a certain amount of traffic fines in order to gain raises for themselves.  Now we have a congress and a senate that has sold itself to large corporations and billionaires.  They have sold out Americans as well.  We have been sold to wealthy entities because of our inattention to what is true.  The price of our inattention to the truth is huge.  We make our once pristine world filthy and we continue to allow wars that kill and maim our young people.

    What will it take for us to get to caring about the truth and making & defining our own truth instead of that which is sold to us?  What will it take for us to make our country great again?  How do we make a country built on equality for all humans?  How do we make a country that will be healthy today and tomorrow?

    We must-must decide and define “the” truth and then we must stick to it.  Back to the simple: Thou shalt not lie…