It’s the New Year and we are all ready to change our lives! I’m making 2020 the easiest year to change your life by giving you 20 Ways to make it happen.
To change your life, say yes to Love.
Love centers every interaction with calmness. When you love everyone, it changes how you think of them. It changes how you think of yourself.
To change your life, say yes to Abundance.
The world is full of abundance and anything you can wish for is available. Believing in abundance gives you abundance. Commit to challenging and changing beliefs that limit you by being about scarcity.
To change your life, say yes to Honesty.
Lies are obvious, you must be in denial to believe them. It is hectic and stressful to sustain lies, even if you are the receiving party. Honesty is easier and healthier. I dive deeper into honesty in this article, or refer to this book on the justification of lies.
To change your life, say yes to Responsibility.
Responsibility will bring you security. When you decide on responsibility, you give yourself a home and something to build upon. Do your part for those you love. If that means doing dishes, or picking up your dirty socks, do it!

To change your life, say yes to Action.
Procrastination stops you from accomplishment, why indulge in procrastination? Step out of your own traps and complete your chores. Adopt the mantra “20 ways to change your life in 2020” to combat procrastination.
To change your life, say yes to Boundaries.
When you work, work.
When you play, play.
Circumscribe your activities with purpose.
Consciously choose what you absorb.
Focus on the moment, in the moment.
To change your life, say yes to Relaxation with a purpose.
Find your relaxation response, explore meditation, or yoga, or massage and acupuncture. Whatever your relaxation response is, use it.
To change your life, say yes to Yourself.
If you need to rest and recuperate, “No” is a complete sentence, say it.

Say yes to getting rid of your mad.
One event deserves only one mad: spend it wisely.
Don’t regurgitate your mad over and over and over again.
Once you have completed your mad, move on and don’t dwell. What you pay attention to absorbs your energy. You don’t want anger to be your calling card.
Where your attention goes, energy flows.
To change your life, say yes to Forgiveness
It has been said that unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die. Science tells us that unforgiveness leads to bitterness and that bitterness kills. Emmett Fox is the spiritual thought leader with extensive writing on forgiveness. If you want to explore the idea of forgiveness more, check out his book on Amazon.
To change your life, say yes to Self Love.
Be loving to yourself in thoughts, words and deeds.
Do whatever it takes to remind yourself that you matter and deserve love just for being you.
Don’t deny your true worth.
Do what you know is best for you.
To change your life, say yes to Self Care.
Stay on top of your stress, be aware of consequences of stress and take measures to ameliorate your stress! The 20 ways to change your life in 2020 is all about self care, you can incorporate any one of the ways into your self care routing.

To change your life, say yes to Respect for yourself and others.
All interactions become positive with the addition of respect.
To change your life, say yes to Oneness.
Allow yourself to see that your spirit is a part of the whole; when you see this, your place in the universe becomes infinite and purposeful.
To change your life, say yes to Non-Violence.
Violence can be verbal, physical, mental or emotional. Leave violence behind to live longer and to keep your loved ones close. Violence separates humans from each other.

To change your life, say yes to Integrity.
The definition of integrity is the state of being whole and undivided. How wonderful it is to be clear and purposeful about your decisions in life?
To change your life, say yes to Imperfection.
Perfection will cost you your peace of mind. Allowing yourself to embrace the ups and downs of life will give you freedom.
Accept that you are perfectly imperfect.
To change your life, say yes to Communication.
Don’t leave relationship pain hanging. Pain leads to bitterness and we already know what bitterness does to us.

To change your life, say yes to Present.
Say good-by to the past. Science tells us that our memories are unreliable; it just doesn’t pay to look back and second-guess yesterday.
To change your life, say yes to Sleep.
Put your phone in the kitchen every night. The only exceptions are family member hospitalization, stock market in Japan or teenager out at a party. These exceptions are singular in nature, you can still place your phone in the kitchen at all other times.