It is What it is...,  Psychology of Life

Be Here Now

Experiencing our lives from moment to moment in an alive and conscious way is the only way to have integrity with ourselves.  If we allow our belief systems to encumber the moment, we will stymie our experience and thus stop the experience.

True hurt must be experienced to be released.  It is our unhinged coping mechanisms that keep us from experiencing our true experience.  Why?  Well, we all resist the pain of life, hoping for and always pursuing the happiness and the joy.  Without the pain of life, happiness and joy eludes us, something to be forever chased that we cannot catch because we are unwilling to have our experience.

The fact of the matter is that once you are willing to HAVE your experience, what will bubble up, will bubble up – it is not within our control.  This is what scares us.  Many of us store our grief and sadness, hurt and rage for years.  When we finally make the choice to experience ourselves, it can be overwhelming, as all of those feelings have festered “under our skin” into an infection that weakens us.  As the hurts pile up, they become more entrenched and more powerful.

This process of storing our grief and sadness changes our thought process.  We lose our child like openness and trade it for the defense mechanisms and protective belief structures that will interfere with our ability to experience our lives.  It is almost an oxy-moronic thought process, because the truth is, that “What you resist; persists”.  Hurt, despair and grief unattended to is still hurt, despair and grief.  Only through our experience of them are we able to release them and through release, we can go on to the next emotion of our experience.  Joy is always brief, because we are almost always willing to experience it; that is why it goes away.  Any emotion experienced, moves on, any emotion that is stuck, serves as the plug which keeps us from experiencing anything, including the joy that is available to us.

So be here now, it may take some work to get here, but it is well worth the experience.  Life brings us everything, including joy, love, connectedness and happiness.  It is up to you to “have” it.

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