We have become aware that war is a no-win (white) man’s game.
We have become aware that capitalism doesn’t serve the majority anymore, only a very small minority.
We have become aware that justice is a social construct.
We have become aware that if humans starve on this abundant planet; we have made a mistake and must change that mistake.
We have become aware that poverty is for no one and no one is for poverty.

We have become aware that inequality is a deliberate tool and must be destroyed.
We have become aware that our grief binds us in a way that nothing else can.
We believe that health care is a right and not a privilege for the few.
We are aware that our planet Earth is finite.
We are aware that there is no such thing as human supremacy.
We aren’t looking to preachers, or pastors or ministers to make our way in this world, we see what is good.
We have become aware that it is our own perception and willingness and love that will bring us through the time that is dark.
The good, the brave, the honest: abundance, truth, non-violence, love and honesty, these are what will guide us.
Steven Orr
“A no-win (white) man’s game.” Oh please my dear–war is quite colorblind.
It’s the white men who send all others to war. They control and propel wars.