No matter what had happened so far in their relationship, it had been an external force operating on them as a couple, suddenly, it was their couple-ness that was operating against them. She could see that no matter how much struggling you can do to be the ‘perfect whoever you are’, she thought that she personally, could never be enough. She wondered how that would impact her heretofore perfect couple-ness.
Her life as she had known it had changed so dramatically since she had found him to be her mate. The part of her that was interested in equality wanted his life to change just as dramatically, but not any of that ever happened and through no fault of his, she was left to drift further and further from the shores of her own happiness. She could not find the purpose in her life anymore, she who had spent her entire life dedicating herself to her children and to those less fortunate than her. Her mothering was over and her years as a therapist ripped from her grasp as surely as a cashier takes your money. She was paid in full with no prize for the effort.
And so, she didn’t care, nothing mattered, so nothing mattered. The loneliness was upon her.