2 min read
I am not sure what is happening with women in their 40s, but it looks good. It puts me in mind of myself at that age and I remember it as a time of extreme freedom. That freedom so hard to attain, was from myself. I’ve always believed I am an unusual creature and never gave my thoughts, any thought.

I am looking now at my daughter’s generation, my stepdaughter and their high school groups and I am seeing the same thing in them that I saw in myself.
They’ve gained something with age. They are gorgeous women, one and all and they don’t fear claiming it. In fact, they are proclaiming that beauty without being braggy or overly conceited, they simply are.

The inner beauty shines through with an inner prose that tells the story of their own lives. Those lives are well lived.
There is a coming of age that is occurring in these women’s eyes. It is a coming of age that is well earned. It says, I am a woman, and even with that societal handicap, I am going to come out on top. Even with that handicap, I am going to feel better, do better and earn better and I am going to do it on my own.

These women will not be cowed. They will call out the BS so commonly dished out by others. They don’t hesitate to defend themselves and each other. Don’t dare to get near to their offspring in a threatening way, you will suffer their ire harshly.
They love the luxury of a man, but it is a luxury, not a necessity. Being with a man may be divine, they can and will choose the time and place for divinity.
Society nor man gets to dictate the lives of these women, nor the desires, no, but thank you.