Economic Equality (A Goal)

Health Insurance in America-A Myriad of Mythical Thinking

I have been subject to a number of advertisements wherein an elderly and elegant woman talks about the billions that congress is about to spend on healthcare if this bill passes congress.  This woman warns that “higher taxes” and “trillion dollar debt” is going to cripple the American economy.  I have to say that my calm nature becomes internally enraged.  There is even a militant feminist hiding out in my psyche screaming at this woman, “YOU’VE BEEN CO-OPTED BY THE MALE SEXIST PIGS IN POWER”.

Oh yes, I am very angry with this woman.  Where was she when the Bushes were spending trillions on war machines and back pocket politics that made all relatives and friends of the Bushes – not millionaires – but billionaires?  Where was this nice elegant old lady when we ran this country into the ground by paying ridiculous prices to keep a war going that was going nowhere?  And HELLO – health care will run the American Economy into the ground?  Are you kidding?  The American economy has already been run into the ground.  We are living on the ground.

And here is what Ted Kennedy said, and by the way, Ted Kennedy spent a life time trying to get universal health care passed in the legislature.  Ted Kennedy said, “do you see any congressmen or senators walking around sick?  No, they immediately get healthcare right here in this building (referring to capitol grounds), everyone should have the kind of healthcare that legislators receive for free.”  There was irony in his words, as he referred to the fact that senators and congressman get free health care and don’t even need it, as they have insurance and funding.

Why are Americans reticent about claiming this right, the right to universal health care?  I just don’t understand.  The stupid arguments dreamed up by fat insurance companies and an even fatter American Medical Association are trite.  Remember when they claimed that healthcare would have to be rationed if we opened it up to everyone?  Are you kidding?  We ration healthcare in America, only those who can pay receive it.  Those who cannot pay are those who are rationed out of the system, often straight into a grave.

For decades, the most dangerous risk factor for dying of breast cancer has been lack of insurance.  Now we’ve added another “statistic” to our financial rationing of health care.  Guess who is dying now?  Pediatric trauma victims are dying now.  Yep, the risk factor for dying after trauma if you are a child?  Lack of health insurance, geez, there’s alot of that going around…

So, for that elderly elegant woman who is in the commercial admonishing Americans to NOT agree to universal healthcare, I can say two things: her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren must be insured and her family doesn’t suffer from breast cancer?  Or – the truth is – she is just uninformed and ignorant.  Please do not be ignorant, universal health care is for EVERY one, not just the rich and insured, that’s why it’s called universal.


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