We already know that it is propaganda that has convinced the American public that those who work in fast food and in grocery stores deserve poverty. We know that the ultra rich have worked very hard to protect property. They do this by ensuring that the vast majority of Americans believe that people deserve minimum wage, because they don’t work hard enough, or haven’t gone to school or aren’t good enough to make enough money for a life. These are false beliefs. People deserve to have a life. Working people deserve a living wage. We know this.
We also realize that we Americans are all products of an effective and expensive marketing system that works hard to convince us to attend to our own needs and not bother with the needs of others. Other countries are poor because they are dumb, or animalistic or ignorant and undeserving. We have been sold a humongous pack of lies about how to live successfully. We are the most selfish country on planet Earth. We use the most resources and do the most damage world wide.
Please don’t stop reading and don’t start wallowing in guilty. Let’s take action, real action, effective action.

How do we help our revolution? How do we change America? How do we give truth to power?
In every work position that we hold, think of people first. If you are a supervisor, hire at the maximum starting pay. Give raises, give them lavishly. $15.00 an hour is but $31,200.00 a year. Make sure that every human being that works for you earns at least $15.00 an hour. If someone makes $18.00 an hour, give them 20.00 an hour to increase their abilities in life.
If you work for a government entity and you can help people by approving applications for food stamps, for college financial aid or any other such agency functions, do it. Over-approve your budget and then demand more! Many government positions I have held, I worked with people who were parsimonious, and who treated government funding as if it was their own bank account. No, this is tax money, taken from the people to be used for the people. Give it away! All of it. Each and every time, you get a chance to approve an application, think of this baby, who will be hungry if you say no.

If you are woke, help others to be woke. If you don’t have a job that can help others, surely you can speak truth to power. Demand answers that take into consideration the human factor. Ask Victoria’s Secret why they use child labor in their cotton fields. If you don’t receive an answer, then stop buying Victoria’s Secret. Then spread the word, always, spread the word. Let us let everyone know who and which companies are taking advantage of human beings.
The wealthy can only take advantage of us with our permission. Stop giving legislators and capitalist permission to rape your bank account. Speak the truth. We know that the only tax breaks promulgated this year (2019) were for large corporations and wealthy families. Do everything in your power to vote against those people who made these unfair taxes a reality of our American life. Do everything in your power to let people know who robbed us of a fair tax economy. Tell everyone! You can change this awful reality, just by speaking, talking and helping others.

Lastly, spread kindness. Every single time that you want to be angry and punch someone, STOP, reach deep inside of your heart and pull out kindness. You are in traffic because you have somewhere to go. Leave others to their ugly behavior. Be the one, who gives care and thoughtfulness into the universe.