You might grow up to be very much like them. You might begin to speak only as a matter of finding a way to repudiate the error in everyone’s thinking. You are right; you know this, because you have thought about it. You pounce on any opportunity to show someone the error of their ways. Your ego is gigantic because your own thinking can reason out so many ways to show others’ mistakes. You look around, you are alone…
How You Are and other Observations
Imagine living a life, growing up in an environment where everything you say, must be wrong. When you speak to your parents they listen intently waiting for the moment when they will find the error in your thinking or in your speaking. On the outside, it looks as if your parents are very interested in what you are speaking about. But it is not true, they are simply predators looking for a way to build their own egos substantively by making sure that you understand that YOU have made a mistake, or, are engaging in wrong thinking.