Speaking as a Parent

I have been crying for 21 hours now and I know that she has been crying for a while longer

Here is the difficulty with love, the agony of separation. The awful, awful feeling of loss, the knowledge that your time is limited. The knowledge that you have become a visitor in the lives of those who you have been with, every single day, for decades. My daughters are beautiful, loving and smart women. Our relationships are often intense and always close. Our mutual feeling of intimacy is our harbor to ride out any storm that the world can throw at us. Four years ago we decided to change everything; change was inevitable, beautiful young women cannot “hang out” with their mother forever.
Honestly, in the last 4 years I have maintained an idea that our separation was temporary. I imagined myself right down the street from my daughters, just as my mother and I lived, close by each other. It seems to be the best way to raise kids; everyone living close by watching over the babies mutually.
Rhea is such an awesome woman to be with. When I am with her, I believe that everything will be taken care of. She has an air of confidence and competence, it just surrounds her. She is always beautiful, she works hard to maintain herself in a very healthy way and it’s awe-inspiring to watch. Now that Rhea has two sons, 11 months apart, she exhibits a lovely vitality that maintains who she is, separate from the kids. Rhea is one of those people that you just want to be around. Rhea is dedicated to her sister Johanna in an unusual way. Nothing on earth separates their love for each other, nothing. They have been horrible to each other, yet it is of no matter to their relationship.
Johanna’s gifts are so very different. You wish to be with Johanna because you will feel loved and completely accepted by her. That is why it is so important to be near her. There is no substitute for feeling loved like that.
All of America wants to say that “Everything happens for a reason.” I am so heartbroken right now, what could be the reason for that?

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