The roads we travel are infinite possibilities that take us into sometimes surprising and pleasant places. Jaxsun is my grandson and next week he will be 2 years old. I am watching he and his father in the backyard swimming pool and I am marveling at the word relationship. Jaxsun clearly and completely trusts his father to keep him safe. This trust allows Jaxsun to be daring and brave. Jaxsun’s father is completely content with his child. He is both fascinated and engaged with everything that Jaxsun does. There is an intense kind of beauty and love that seems to balloon around them like a sun dappled sphere. Jaxsun’s father ducks under the water and Jaxsun puts his hands on him to pull him up and then they talk in a strange kind of baby-speak about blowing bubbles and accomplishing things.
Whatever road brings us here, whatever it is that makes me privileged enough to get to watch unadulterated love in its process, whatever the reasons why: It doesn’t matter. This moment is enough all by itself.