What is success, but that that we individually define as success? At each point in life, we may measure this differently.
And as life situations and events change, so too does our ability to define ourselves as successful. There are times when we are loving & kind, and times when we are hateful and mean. There are times when we are financially wealthy and times when we are bankrupt. There are times when we are deeply upset by our child’s actions and other times when we are so proud of our child that we feel we can burst. There are times when we are driven to violence and other times when we can imagine nothing but peacefulness and calm.
There are times when we feel profoundly loved by another and times when we feel profoundly disconnected and alone. There will be a time in life when no professional endeavor brings success and there will be a time when everything we do professionally is positive and right.
For those folks who want to criticize others, for those folks who are judgmental and hateful, for those who would want to tout their success as a sign of superiority, they are quite mistaken in their thought process. Success is how each of us measures it, not how each of us judges it in others. Success is a function of time. No one can always be successful. We must all fail. When we fail, are we a failure? Of course we are not. We are not who we are because of an event or because of a moment in time. We are who we are because of what is pervasive in us. What motivates us? What actions do we take? What have we created? These are questions that define us.
Wealth and success are not signs of superiority, though in America, we might think that they are. Wealth and success are simply a sign of the time…