Carl Jung once said that neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.
The way that I have interpreted this statement is that if I deny my pain and refuse to suffer, my suffering will maintain inside of me and then become a neurosis. I do not wish to be neurotic, who would? defines it as – disorder typified by excessive anxiety or indecision and a degree of social or interpersonal maladjustment.
Part of being aware of who I am at any given point in time is to also be aware of my pain and to have my pain by going ahead and suffering. Yes, it is important to suffer, crying and yelling and being angry are all expressions of pain and suffering. Expression helps me to avoid neurosis. Avoiding suffering is not possible in the human experience, avoiding neurosis is. Suffering and pain comes and goes, neurosis sticks, unless and until you are willing to suffer.
So…for me (anyway) crying and fussing is a lot better than being maladjusted, eeww!