When people are hurt, they often believe that their pain entitles them to anger (and it does) and they often believe that they can use that anger to attack other people with. This is not so, in the normal everyday-ness of life. It is extremely inappropriate to attack other people with your anger, no matter how bad your hurt is.
There are a couple of reasons for this, the number one reason is that when we are the most angry is often immediately after the event that caused us pain, if we lash out at this point we are highly likely to include misunderstandings into the experience. Often people get upset for no good reason except they did not hear something the way that it was meant.
The next reason why you should not lash out at someone else because of your pain, is because most often others are not the cause of your pain. In the rarest of circumstances can you blame your pain specifically on the object of your anger. Unless someone recklessly hit you with their fist or run over your friend with a car, very seldom does the anger truly match the situation.
And here is the other and final piece…like loving someone and being optimistic creates good behavior and blue skies, being angry creates a malicious criticism that may or may not be anchored in reality. What can happen is that a truly loving person ends up being, acting and living in an angry and bitter way.
How awful is that?