I was getting rid of old emails and I ran through several emails with pictures of family events embedded in them. They are all dated this year and I haven’t quite figured out the best way to store them. There is a reason for that. My laptop has been every where, except with me. My son moved out and he is in college, so the laptop goes back and forth between the two of us. I am not as accepting as I could be about the “dis-combooberation” of life. I want life organized and well planned.
In looking at those pictures in my email I realized one thing. I cannot plan magic moments. Those moments cannot be contrived. They may happen as a result of being with people that you love, doing things that you love, but these moments can also happen if you are alone and at odd moments in your life. I don’t know how these moments happen. I just know that they do and I am extremely grateful for them.