Economy of Effort,  Philosophy

My Own Vision of Perfection is a Relentless Taskmaster

I want everything to be perfect, not only for myself, but for everyone that I love.  It haunts me when I am trying to take a nap, it dogs me when I am trying to complete a task.  It has been a challenge to stop multi-tasking, really, it is not more efficient to do two things at one time.  Usually it takes twice as long and one or the other is screwed up.

For many, many years, I have had to do everything at once.  Efficiency was the most important talent because I could not afford to make a second trip, or pay for something twice, everything had to go smoothly the first time.  Inefficiency and waste have never been an option in my world.

And now, I cannot let go, like a fighter suffering from PTSD, I cannot give up the good fight.  I don’t want to waste a trip to Publix, I don’t want to drive one centimeter further or longer than I need to.  I yearn for, work for and dream of efficient perfection and it’s killing me…

Besides the fact that I am certain that efficiency is not as important as I once thought, there is horrible preoccupation.  I am learning how to live right here right now.  Preoccupation is not congruent with living right here right now.  I cannot be preoccupied with perfection and efficiency when I am living in the moment, the moment won’t allow it.

I have to let go of my relentless taskmaster and it is me.

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