Personal Growth

The Eclipse and the Full Moon

Alright – so I don’t get into it much, but there it is haunting me all month because I like Susan Miller:  So Whatever!  But something happened today that was too important to forget about and to important to dismiss so that I could get back to the laundry and the chores that always keep me busy on Saturdays.

Insight never comes upon me because I wish it.  And let’s face it, insight is not always pleasant.  But at no time have I ever believed that insight has something to do with the full moon and the planets and the stars.  Yet there always seems to be this dance that leads to insight: a particular paragraph in a book, a friend’s comment and even street signs can contribute to these light bulb moments.  I mean insight and concepts have a life of their own and always seem to come upon me of their own free will.

Well, sometimes I like astrology and sometimes I don’t.  I can go through years of complete indifference and then suddenly something about it fascinates me.  So here it is: for the last six months I have been tracking this website (above) and it’s been interesting.  And for June 26th, we have the following:  Now we come to the full moon lunar eclipse of June 26. Falling in your solar fourth house, something important seems to be coming to critical mass that is related to your home, other property, or a family member, most likely a parent. When it does, it will be completely unexpected.

The eclipses are back, and they always come in pairs. The first one is due this month on June 26 in Capricorn, lighting your house of home and family, and next month on July 11 your career will be the focus. You will have a lot to think about, and you’ll have time to plan.

On and on she writes about the eclipses and I think, “what is the big deal?”.  Well something very special happened to me today, that is the fruition of a lot of work and sweat on my part.  I found out how truly free I am.  As Doreen Virtue writes: “You are the only jail keeper that ever surfaces in your own life.” I’ve read these words a thousand times and today these words finally resonated in my soul.

I don’t know why I “got” this concept today of all days.  It was a day of conflict and pain, a day of changing relationships and relationships changing. I was emotionally charged all day.  But, thankfully, I got it.  I can do and speak and travel as I wish.  I am free, and if that freedom includes being with another that is good, if not, that can be good too.  Nowhere and nohow do I need to compromise my needs, wants and desires on the the sacrificial altar of relationships.  I can have relationships I choose in joy and happiness.  Selfish, huh?  Well I do believe I am getting closer to my goal…

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