Economic Equality (A Goal),  Psychology of Life,  Speaking as a Parent,  World Affairs

The “Relief Package” Didn’t Relieve

And yet we keep thinking that America is the best. The bread lines are miles and miles long. American food lines.

People received stimulus checks into overdrawn accounts.

I see all of the charities and I think “please don’t donate there, the only thing American charity does is make their CEOs rich, they don’t do enough for those who are suffering.” Why do we need so much charity in America?

With all of the welfare organizations going on in America, why aren’t we doing better on behalf of the poor and poverty stricken? Why aren’t we doing better for the compromised middle class?

With the current Covid stimulus package, can we really say that we have helped? Today, on TV, I watched an “old white man” talk about how the new stimulus package had to be about supporting businesses so that people could be tied to their jobs. (Trickle down economics for everyone?) That’s the problem, jobs in America do not support Americans. We don’t have a livable wage in America, we don’t have affordable healthcare, we don’t have corporations making sure that workers benefit from employment.

Do you want a billion dollars? “Of course, but only if you own an airplane, cruise ship, bank or mega-business. You are only a human being in America? Oh, well, hmmm, I don’t know if we have anything for you. Okay, how about $1,200.00? What will that buy you? I don’t know, one month of rent?”

Trump and his cronies have, literally, pumped billions into the stock market. This is money that should have gone into healthcare, human beings and the welfare of those who are waiting in food lines with starving kids.

We aren’t paying people enough; they are not earning a livable wage. These folks cannot withstand what is happening in this country now. If people aren’t earning a living wage, how could they possibly have savings?

To my shame and mortification writes: “Was anyone aware of this? “More than 80 percent of the benefits of a tax change tucked into the Coronavirus relief package Congress passed last month will go to those who earn more than $1 million annually” The middle-class picks up the bill! “

No America, it’s not enough for the everyday earner. When will we learn to give to people instead of organizations? When will we stop the corporations from owning America?

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