I hope you admire the beauty in others. I hope you know that you are as important as any other human being and as important, that you treat other women as if they are important also.
We deserve to be loved for our being. We don’t deserve to be thrown away at age 40. We have the power and with each other, we are ridiculously strong. It is up to us to redefine the social structure. It’s up to us to make women important, to make beauty unimportant. It is up to us to give meaning to just being.
We can’t possibly create equality if women will not support each other. It is just too difficult to navigate through society and to deal with another woman’s hatred, jealousy or condescension. How can we show the world women’s strength and power, if what we do to each other is brutal?
So please be beautiful inside and out, proud and happy with your looks, with your brain and with other women. It’s our only route to equality and ultimately to equanimity.