Baby Boomers,  Personal Growth

TV and Magazines

Based on TV and magazines, the only way that I could be having fun is to be on vacation in a tropical paradise wildly surfing, snorkeling or even sky diving.

Based on my TV, the only way I could be enjoying myself is to have nothing to do, I must wear nail polish at all times (as if I never had to do the dishes) and I should ‘lounge’ in my silk pajamas, preferably with a drink in my hand.

There is very little joy and no fun depicted in the normal, everyday activities of working and learning.  This has often left me with a strangely unsatisfied feeling about my life.  And yet, I am the person who really loves working and learning.  I am the person who gains great satisfaction from a clean, crisply folded bed sheets and bath towels.  So even while I live my life against all tenets of successful advertising and story boards, I am also the one who is strangely disturbed by my natural self.  Am I a failure because I cannot keep my fingernails polished?

Probably the worst part about watching (and believing in) TV is that when I am down, either because I am tired, energy deprived or sad, I actually find myself buying into what TV has to sell.  The only way to be young and hip is to drink flavored vodka and get tacos at midnight after dancing at the club.  I also have to be clad in designer clothes dripping with jewelry made by someone with a French name.  By the way (BTW), the ‘Hamptons’ are never cold.  It is always sunny there and you can always wear a cotton shirt with a very short skirt.

In this world that is contrived by my TV, I often feel that I am not enough.  But then, then I remember that I was born a hippy and I shake it all off.  My value does not come from materialism.  I will not live longer, I will not be truly loved, I will not gain anything by having designer clothes and expensive jewelry, except designer clothes and expensive jewelry.  Remember that.

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