Justice, the Human Construct,  Philosophy,  Politics,  Wise Words,  World Affairs

Wars: The Male Perception of Reality

What I really don’t understand is how can one man decide to kill thousands of other humans and destroy their homes and he just gets to keep on doing it?

What is happening that we all just accept what Putin and Netanyahu are doing? I see the riots in the streets, and nothing changes. You could surmise that the actions of these leaders are wrong. Public opinion weighs against them and yet the world sits idly by allowing tens of thousands to be annihilated. It is the man (Putin and Netanyahu) that must be denied. Surely, we understand that all else is propaganda? Putin claims to be Christian, Netanyahu claims to be Jewish, how is that even possible? You cannot be a man of God and engage in murder of tens of thousands of humans.

As to Hamas, haven’t we perfected our cancer treatments to kill the cancer, but not the body? Why are we allowing so much life to suffer for Hamas?

We are Christians. We value human life. There is lots of evidence that proves that we all value human life. First with the most important law of the land “Thou shalt not murder.” And as stated in online sources the Muslim belief: Murder is considered a major sin, or al-Kaba’ir sin.

How do we allow the continued murder of so many peoples of our earth?

War does not have to exist and yet men will argue for it voraciously. It is a condoned murder machine. We found reasons for war in the past, we could make a reasoned argument that those reasons no longer exist. The U.S. has far more fire power and far more nuclear power than any other country. With the advent of nuclear power, we can hardly excuse hand to hand combat can we? Else why create this weapon if not “to end all wars.”

We don’t want nuclear war, so we keep murdering citizens of the earth to try to avoid it. Warriors ask to engage in these wars, civilians do not. How do we stand by while 16000 civilians in Gaza and 11000 civilians in Ukraine are murdered.

We are appeasing egos and yet egos are not authentic constructs, they are social constructs. Ego is a stand-in for reality in the same way that song is a stand-in for a past experience. You never get the original back, and the music is nothing more than a dull reiteration of that past. An ego is nothing more than a wish for a person, a way that a person WANTS to see themselves. It is in no way actuality. Yet, here we are appeasing the egos of the monsters. Netanyahu and Putin.

You will argue that they are vastly different issues and very different causes, and I will respond that they are murders of civilians. What else do you need to know?

After all, that is what this paragraph is about the murder of humans by men who love war and who are interested in the growth of their own ego above all else. They grow their own egos at our expense, because as we stand by for these murders, we become the murdered.






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