Love and Relationships

A Comment About Change

There is this miasma that follows me around about relationships and it goes something like this “you’re always getting the same kind of man and feeling the same kind of way you have always felt”. There is a kind of failure inherent in this thinking. I mean that if I am just going to draw the same man (with a different body) every time, then what is the point of trying to move forward? What is the point of making a new beginning if I am sure that I will just fall into the same old traps and the same old thinking?
I read some powerful words last night that are having a profound affect on me today. Joyce Meyers says that God puts people in my life to challenge me and to help me learn what I need to learn to work through whatever it is that I need to learn. She reframed my entire paradigm. I know, I know, this is all stuff that the gurus are preaching, I’ve even heard Oprah comment that if the same old feelings are back, that means “you haven’t learned the lesson”. Here is the difference: my God, in a loving way, is leading me through my education to be human. That is a far better belief system than: I am a loser, because I can’t seem to learn this lesson…

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