• Economic Equality (A Goal),  Womens Issues,  World Affairs

    An Open Letter to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    Dear Alexandria;

    Please be aware that you are standing at the threshold of being viciously attacked.  No one likes a beautiful woman who is smart and powerful.  It’s just not done. 

    You may think that our society has progressed past the point of keeping women in powerless positions, not so.  While our society boasts of breakthroughs inequality, you must understand that they are Madison Avenue constructs and contrived,but not real.  This country is expert at marketing.  We look good, but we are incredibly shallow.  We haven’t done the,real job of creating equality, so instead, we are at Door #3: let’s make a reality that LOOKS like equality.

    Millennials are clearly aware of this.  They know that equality is an elusive concept that has not been actualized in America. Alexandria you are a millennial, and so you know how shallow America’s promise of equality has been.

    by Kurt Meske Thank you

    What I am concerned about, is the amount of hatred and vitriol you will be faced with as you speak your truth in the hallowed halls of the United States Capitol.

    I wish you the best and so do millions of other Americans.  We love you and we see hope and brightness in your presence.  Remember this when others are attempting to hurt you and when the oligarchy attempts to damage you in a way that will have you questioning humanity.

    Alexandria, you are the chosen one, you are the speaker for those who do not or can not speak for themselves.  You are right!  They need your voice.  This country needs life, not the death that the war machine manufactures.  I love your rationale for your program ideas: “why doesn’t anyone question the cost of war, but only questions the cost of healthcare-for-all?”.  America does actually have plenty of money to take care of people.  We don’t use it in the right places.  We must begin to question the status quo in order to take care of the people of America.  Alexandria, you state that beautifully.

    Your statements are so simple and so elegant and YOU make Americans think about how humans should treat each other.  Thank you.

    Don’t forget, you are aligned against the powerful and you stand on behalf of the downtrodden.  It will appear that the oligarchy is winning many times over, you may despair, you will be angry.  Please, don’t give up and don’t give in.  You have the right of it and there will be few who see the truth and can help you.  Those who see the truth, can’t or won’t help you and support you.  Be careful!

    You are in the biggest game with the biggest players.  They are serious and deadly.  You’ll need every bit of smarts that you have.  Continue what you have been doing and keep staff that are smart and loyal.  Be aware that loyalty can’t be valued enough!  You will need it so much in the coming months and years.

    Please don’t forget, we love you.  You inspire us and we really, really want you  to help change America.  We want equality and you are part of that future.  You are part of the movement that will move this country forward.  Finally.

    You can get discouraged, angry and sad.  Don’t ever, ever give up.  You are doing the work of the weak and, and disenfranchised, you are doing the work of equality, the work of Americans.

  • Love and Relationships,  Personal Growth

    Resentment – the result of suffering a hurt that is not remedied.


    noun: resentment; plural noun: resentments

    1. bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

    “his resentment at being demoted”

    synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation, pique, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, discontentment, discontent, resentfulness, bad feelings, hard feelings, ill will, acrimony, rancor, animosity, jaundice

    In the matter of two people having a discussion and a third person observes, judgment arises – of course – by all three.

    In the matter of two people who are working through differences, if the third person judges person A negatively – in other words, giving advice about improving one’s speech or character, you know immediately that such person sides with person B in the discussion.  Observer finds fault with the one that they do not agree with.

    Life follows this path of finding fault with those we do not agree with and even to a further extent, we find fault with those we do not like.  In this sense, if I do not like you, there is nothing that you can do to be correct.  You are wrong, you are a wrong person and that is all there is to it.

    On the other hand, if I like you, then you are right (and never to be corrected) and that is all there is to it.

    This kind of thinking only serves us in the case of new true love.  Otherwise, this thinking is dangerous for everyone.  It makes us blind to the truth of each other’s behavior and thus escalates bad behavior.

    Bad behavior lives in the dark and thrives when not confronted.  Any kind of acceptance of bad behavior helps that behavior to grow.


    Back to the beginning of this article, be aware what your comments and your judgments reveal about you and your opinion.  Be aware when you are allowing bad behavior and encouraging the behavior to continue.  Rose colored glasses are not for an enduring and real relationship.

  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  Womens Issues,  World Affairs

    The Day After 11/6/18

    As agonizing as the fear was on election day (yesterday) I am feeling energized today.  I’ve spent more than my usual time online recently.  When I saw who was winning elections all over the country, I became hopeful.  Yes, yes, I am a Democrat, and Gosh forbid, I am also a “liberal”.  I don’t know where those labels come from, but I do believe in equality for everyone.  I ardently believe in economic equality.  I believe in truth, honesty and respect.  I believe everyone in the world has a right to health care.  So, there you are, “liberal”.

    I believe that legislators should have the decency to be objective about the fairness of laws, rather than making laws based on payments from whomever can afford them.  I believe it should be illegal for corporations to use their massive economic power to change laws and bend them to fit their own profitability goals.  An example of this is our embarrassingly low minimum wage here in the USA.  This low minimum wage is a direct result of legislators bending to the will of mega corporations such as MacDonald’s and Walmart.  These mega-corporations often finance campaigns and use other such bribery weapons in order to gain a legalized economic advantage.

    With rain comes growth.
    With rain comes growth

    Ah, but!  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won, she won!  How fantastic is that?  From what I am seeing and who I am meeting, I am very impressed with millennials.  I am impressed with all of the younger generations, no matter the label.  Young people seem smart and even better, caring.  The young people I meet and spend time with, the ones I read about, seem to care very much about our world.  They seem to care very much for others.  That seems to be the key to human salvation: do we care about each other?  If we care about each other, we will find a way to ensure that all Americans are cared for.  The best place to start this is through our system of government.

    I am hopeful.  The women who won these races are diverse and will bring a new conversation to the legislative table.  This new conversation cannot be ignored because it has become too loud.  Thank God for these brave women.  Thank God for democracy.

    And lest we think the job is done, here are the words of Barack Obama:  “Our work goes on. The change we need won’t come from one election alone – but it is a start. Last night, voters across the country started it. And I’m hopeful that going forward, we’ll begin a return to the values we expect in our public life – honesty, decency, compromise, and standing up for one another as Americans, not separated by our differences, but bound together by one common creed.”

  • Psychology of Life

    What is Beauty? Is it Okay to Age?

    We have allowed marketing companies and dress designers to define the beauty of women.  Every time we  wear high heels we are buying into this magical definition of what a woman should look like and what she should be.  Unfortunately, many women who are leaders, buy into this definition, however, they can afford to do so.  If you have the money to sculpt your face and your body, if you have the money to hire original designs by the best designers, you are doing so at the cost of everywoman.  You look fabulous with your balloon breasts and contoured waist, but you make everywoman who cannot afford perky breasts and a cool-sculpted stomach, feel bad.

    Why do you do this?  As a famous woman, why do you allow the perpetuation of this mythical creature called the “perfect woman”?  Why do you buy into the definition of fashion houses (and, of course, men) that will tell you what is beautiful ~ and they really have no idea, except their own idea.

    Out there in front, redefining beauty are women like Ashley Graham who gives credibility to plus sizes and Alicia Keyes who refuses to wear make-up.  Both women strongly state that women need to be who they are.

    What is beauty?

    My husband always says that proof that men are running the world is on the feet of women who still wear high heels.  What would cause a woman to wear high heels?  Fashion dictatorship; that is what causes women to wear high heels.  Anthropologists will tell you that wearing high heels (which thrusts breasts forward) is a mating ritual of old societies.  However, in these old societies, women rid themselves of the high heels once a mate is identified.  No woman willingly wears such painful footwear because she wants to, she wears this footwear to compete and to gain male acceptance.

    What is wrong with extra weight?  What is wrong with crepe paper skin? What is wrong with a wrinkly neck?  These are all natural evolutions of the human body.  It is only the marketing industry and Madison Avenue that wants us to believe that an aging body is unnatural and embarrassing.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

    The model form is unnatural.  Human beings that are “in the natural” do not look like the normal model looks.  Humans are a diverse group that come in all shapes, sizes and colors, all of which are normal and most of which are attractive.  We are all attractive when we are compared to ourselves.  It is when we compare ourselves to the television and fashion runways and magazine pictures that we become unattractive. 

    This is not to say that beauty does not exist objectively, it is to say that we have become harsh taskmasters of the beauty of women.  Marketing America has carved out one look as THE LOOK and we take no discussion.  Any woman who does not have this look is a woman that must be manufactured into this woman.  For this manufacturing process, millions of dollars in beauty products are mass produced and sold.  Plastic surgery is a multi-billion dollar business that is thriving.  How and why?  So that all women can fit into this one size, a size that is deemed correct and attractive by others that are not we.

    Why is the perfect-looking woman sexy?  Why isn’t the perfect woman a librarian or a scholar?  Why does the perfect woman need so many accoutrements?  Why does she need long eyelashes, hundreds of dollars in cosmetics and an endless supply of clothing that is form fitting and constantly revealing?

    Women, we must take back our power and define our own beauty.  It is quite fine if we do NOT spend $26.00 on a pair of underwear.  We do not need cosmetics or Forever 21 to keep us looking beautiful.  It is quite fine to be 45 years old and 65 years old and 85 years old.   We are still beautiful and certainly, smart and exceptionally wise at these ages.




  • World Affairs

    There is No Reason for any Young Person to Die because of War

    We have the technology.  We can manage destruction through our technology, we can win battles and wars by pushing buttons and aiming war weapons.  So why is anyone still being killed?  Why is anyone still being maimed?  Why is anyone still engaged in actual violence, when we can control our environment and our relationships with technology?

    We have enough nuclear weapons to turn the Earth into a lifeless lump of rock several times over.  Why?  We only have one Earth.

    We keep on investing in one hundred million dollar aircraft that have no where to go and no one to fight.

    We stockpile our weapons or we sell them to police stations all over the country, why?  Would we turn the tanks toward civilians?  Would we torpedo a yacht?

    We have so much, that we are forgetting the concepts behind the purchase of the weapons.  We don’t need that much, we do not really need the majority of the weapons we are currently manufacturing.

    Again, we have the technology.  We can shoot and/or bomb any enemy in a small space with a drone.  For larger threats such as Isis training camps, we have larger bombs and weapons.  Weapons that cannot be seen by our enemies.  We have weapons that bring no danger to those who steer them and shoot them.

    War and Death

    “A simple child, That lightly draws its breath…What should it know of death?”  William Wordsworth, We are Seven, as published by Time on 12/30/1991

    The current world is not interested in waging war through military weaponry.  The current world is using software to win wars.  The stock market and its many versions and fluctuations give power to the countries that manage them.  But, much more power is wielded by those with wealth.  It is not the might of  military weaponry that controls the world anymore (if it ever was).

    And yet SIPRI* reports:  “In late 2017 the US Senate approved a new military budget for 2018 of $700 billion, a substantial increase over the 2017 budget.”  The second largest spender is China and with the majority of the world’s population living in China, their budget is less than half of America’s budget.  SIPRI states: “China, the world’s second largest spender, allocated an estimated $228 billion to its military in 2017, an increase of 5.6 per cent compared with 2016.”  Even with an increase China is not getting within a fifty percent range of the U.S.

    Who wants a larger military budget?  No one, except arms manufacturers.  They are the ones who benefit from this continued madness.  We know it, they know it and every single politician knows it.  There is great profit in the military madness and we Americans allow it to continue.  The arms manufacturers make billions in profits and have a lobbyist standing on every corner in Washington D.C.  They are h.u.g.e. contributors to politicians and the attendant political parties.

    No matter who you are, know this: there is no reason for a young person to die or to be maimed in battle any more.  When it happens, know this: it is happening so that the military war machine can profit.  Our freedom is not threatened and has not been threatened since World War II.

    It’s clear to all that the new battlefields are money and information.   Our software systems make everything in the world work.  Cybersecurity should be the next international defense investment that America makes.  Machine guns are archaic and outdated tools of a battle that we no longer need to fight.  We need talented and smart people to work for the people of America giving peace it’s proper place in human history.

    We need to start a new conversation about power.  The latest dramatic scandal in Washington D.C. is a warning to everyone in America.  We must have a new conversation about money, power and success in America.  Not any of those things is worth one single human life.

    *Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI): the independent resource on global security.

  • Baby Boomers,  Love and Relationships,  Speaking as a Parent

    My Mother’s Burden

    Grampa Becky Gramma 1979 Grampa Me Boys 1979From my Dad’s Mom to my MomGramma and Grampa 1979 Gramma2:

    Dear Pat,

    We want to apologize for not showing up at Shannon’s.  Without parking places, John felt like giving it up, so that’s that.

    I am very appreciative of the one evening, we were to see almost all the young ones.  I was also grateful to everyone being so kind and loving to me.

    Hearing the young ones saying, I love you sounds so sweet and open, like an ordinary, glad to see you.

    I guess I could have learned from them.  If I had practiced saying instead of that noble old saying “to love is to serve.  It might have helped a wee bit.

    Then again, the older generation didn’t blurt out “I love you.”  It just seems like we were too shy and backwards.  This is all bologna.  I do feel a bit dumb.  They are all lovely and I wish we had seen more of them. 

    Every good thing should come to you.

    Love to every one


    My mother, always in the midst of an emotional tornado.

    From Me to My Mom

    To ease her pain because I was 3000 miles away:

    Tears for you because you will always fight too and because you must watch us – stumble through journeys you have already made and you know you cannot help us and yet you are bound by some invisible magic and mystery that once made you our lifelines.


  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  Wise Words,  Womens Issues

    Women Have to be Meaner  

    Do Power Differently
    Do Power Differently

    How else can I say it?  Not in a male way, but in a female way.  We must tap into our own way of being and bring our power to bear to win this fight.  In order to do this, we must put away our all-forgiving nature and call a crime, a crime.  We must stop giving in and allowing our own discomfort to be put aside.

    We don’t need weapons to win this war, we are smarter than that.  We don’t need male configurations for an argument, we are smarter than that also.  Women have powerful tools at their disposal, tools that only need to be used to be effective.

    Number one, women, we need each other.  Going in to testify against a boss in a sexual harassment case, or a stranger in a rape case, is hard work.  We need each other to gain the support to get this kind of work done.

    Let’s face it!  Our cultural training is a lie!  No one is going to help us with this.  Men are not going to allow the loss of their own advantage without a fight.  This is where we women will have to be mean.  I don’t say women need to be strong or tough, and I’ll tell you why: Women are the strongest and toughest humans I’ve met, they don’t need more of that.  Women need to stop forgiving and stop changing perceptions to fit the white male power structure.

    We can do this.  We can do this by refusing to sign off on the lies that men in power try to perpetrate.  Think about the Catholic church, is it over?  Is it all okay now because the priests say so?  Of course not!  There is still hell to pay, and I mean that literally.  The church must pay for the sins of their leaders, and they must pay well!  At least as well as they themselves take for their own use.

    Think about the half million rape kits that were never processed here in America.  While a male TV producer reassures all of America’s women that rapists are caught by the SVU (Special Victims Unit).  The facts don’t bear any of that TV story out.  Not only are rapists not caught, in a half million cases, rapists are not even pursued.  How did this happen?  Women, are we asleep at the wheel, are we buying this rapist culture and (pardon the  pun) lying down and taking it?

    What is keeping us from stopping this pervasive abuse that lives in the American culture?  We have not done enough to stop this from going on.

    We can stop this power hungry, elitist, white male, rapist culture by seeing ourselves clearly and consciously.  We must do this.  We must stop this culture that disempowers us and tries to keep us down.

    The first thing that we must do is to ban together.  Any woman who is being attacked or hurt by men or by male institutions deserves the support of other women.  We must do everything in our power to put women into power.  We must count on each other to make predominately male institutions better and kinder for both men and women.  We should be supporting each other in the here and now.  We all (each and every one of us) knows what it is like to be pushed around by male power.  So let’s defend each other, right here and right now.

    We aren’t out to “get men”.  That is not what this is about.  We are out to take our own power back.  We don’t have to punish our own family members to demonstrate our own power, we just have to tell the truth about what is happening at any point in time.

    The last thing on the list is this: think long and hard about your decisions as it relates to your own power and to the power of other women.  Don’t try to hurt other women who are smarter, prettier, luckier, kinder than you.  Stand back and let them have their power.  Think about your own power, do you give it away?  Do you hand your power over on a silver platter?  If you aren’t wired to be powerful, there is nothing wrong with that, just don’t take from others to justify yourself.

    We have the power.  Let’s do what needs to be done and turn this world into a kinder, gentler place.  Let’s make sure that this new world is not threatened by destruction from our male counterparts. We can do this, we do have the power.

  • Love and Relationships,  Psychology of Life,  Speaking as a Parent,  Womens Issues

    Why Do We Blame Our Mothers for Everything?

    I didn’t realize this myself until I was around 19 years old in one of those personal growth trainings where you discuss your true feelings for your parents.  I was angry with my mother and I couldn’t fathom why.  My father was this lazy genius who just would not get a paying job.  My mother worked two jobs constantly.  My parents had seven children and they needed every dime possible.  It was my dad’s lack of valuable employment that kept us poor.  If you have ever been poor in America, you know that it can be brutal, and it was.  People / Americans treat humans who are poor differently than the middle class or the wealthy.

    I’ve noticed this with everybody and everything; we love our mothers, but our mothers are at fault for everything that is wrong with us.  I see people saying this and I know why.  We spend the majority of our young lives in our mother’s company.  When we run afoul because our personality is not quite right, it is our mother’s fault.  She is the one who teaches us about everything so of course, our lacks are due to our mother’s inadequacy.

    I saw my father as somewhat fun, sometimes not.  But I never saw him as responsible, because he was irresponsible, he wasn’t to be held accountable.  While this makes sense to my childish brain, it doesn’t make sense in the adult world.  He and those irresponsible like him, should be held accountable for the suffering they put their own children through.  Poverty is brutal.

    When you compare the two people, the dynamic energetic woman who was my mother and the lounging and laid-back beer drinking man who was my father, you could see that you wouldn’t get any results with my father, so why try?  It was my mother who had to run things, she had to manage it all.  She took care of 7 children, went to work, came home and fixed food.  On her day off, we cleaned the entire house.

    The part of this equation that is really frustrating is that we are so used to blaming our mothers, that even adults will blame their moms.  Popular society devalues the mother’s job and yet, as a country, we need mothers more than ever.  It is precisely because we have devalued this role for so long in this country, that we are currently facing a dearth of human values. 

    Mothers (and fathers) fall helplessly in love with their offspring, they will sacrifice and give away anything for the benefit of their children.  They spend hours teaching and talking to their child.  Over a lifetime it costs as much as half a million dollars to raise one child.  It is a total life investment, one that is incomparable to any other life project.

    Our culture should be celebrating this kind of love, commitment and self sacrifice.  It is the derision of these values that has us disintegrating as a society.  Any society that worships selfishness and promulgates wealth for the few at the cost of the many is a society that will soon break.

    So why do we blame our mothers for everything?  It’s not just my unusual parenting mix, it’s an entire society.  As far back as the sixties, a diagnosis of schizophrenia was thought to be caused by a certain type of mother who behaved in a certain type of way.

    I think there are two causes: the win/lose belief system of our culture and our white male patriarchy.  The white male patriarchy simply wants supremacy and using the win/lose model, matriarchy must lose.  This singular way of thinking has gotten us into every war that humankind has suffered through.  This belief structure insidiously infiltrates everything we do in America.  Female professions are undervalued and underpaid.  Childcare is a ten dollar an hour job. It is no wonder we are at the point that we are in America.  

    What do we do?  We have all of the answers and we need to apply them.  We need an inclusive culture that values the matriarchy as well as the patriarchy.  We need a culture that reflects the value that we benefit our next generation.  We need a culture that will not sacrifice the many for the one, even if that one is Jeff Bezos.

    Saying Goodbye
    Saying Goodbye

  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  Management,  Psychology of Life,  World Affairs

    The American Myth of Success

    In America, we teach that everything, at every point in our lives is a choice.  This translates to an idea that if you are facing hardship now, you must have made a bad choice then.  After all, the world is so perfect, only a bad person is not successful.  We reinforce this myth in a thousand different ways.  We place the athlete on TV and listen carefully while he describes a life of struggle until he made the choice to work hard and become a star athlete.  These stories always end with the familiar refrain “If I can do it, anybody can.”  Indeed, there is some truth to this saying, however, it is, in no way, a universal truth.

    “You can do it, just do what I did.”  First, have you ever been subject to a parent’s or a friend’s helpful advice about you correcting yourself?  Perhaps you are over-weight and your friends are full of recommendations for you about how you can lose all of the weight.  They are disappointed that you don’t follow their plan and may even suggest that familiar refrain “I did it, why can’t you?”  Why do people believe that their own experience is the norm?  Why do people believe that if they have done something that is very hard and been successful that anyone can follow in their footsteps of success?  Not only is it a falsehood, but, it is egocentric to think that your personal experience is generally applicable to anyone and everyone.

    “If you can’t do it, there is something wrong with you.”  The next concept worth examining is this idea that the American definition of success is easily identifiable and doable as a matter of what is normal.  Out of this concept comes the idea that if you do not follow, or you are not successful on the American path, there must be something wrong with you.  You are the fault in all such cases.  Everyone will remind you of this idea, by asking you “what happened?” and before you can put your story into words, the other is already launching into advice about what you could have done better (as if you have not really tried) and telling you stories about their own such success.  The most interesting part of this, is that it is fabrication and a myth. 

    We do not always fail because of our own efforts (and this is important), secondly, often the one who gives advice is the one who needs it.  Who has not received advice from someone who has no business giving it?  I know someone who has never successfully looked for a job and actually gotten one in a timely manner, nor at the rate of pay that she felt was acceptable.  This person was often giving advice about getting a job because she had so much experience searching for a job.  Searching for a job is quite a different thing than actually getting a job.  Yet she felt that she should and could give valuable advice to other job seekers about attaining a job.

    “Your shame keeps you from seeing that the system is rigged against you.”  Once you have failed in any way, you may see yourself as less than.  You believe that you are less than capable, less than acceptable.  You will blame yourself and in many cases blame others.  Because you believe the myth: the system is perfect and therefore a lack of success on your part must be either your own or someone else’s fault.  This is where it all breaks down.  The fact of the matter is that the American system is rigged against you, but your shame and anger keeps you from seeing and recognizing it.

    From beginning to end, there is no limit to the manipulation and tricks that are placed in your path to keep you from earning and keeping enough money to have anything more than just enough cash to get by.


    From birth, all financial truths in America are stacked against you, unless you are already wealthy ~ in that case such truths are stacked in your favor.

    You are born in a hospital, that charges astronomical prices at its whim.  Your birth is paid by an insurance company that profits greatly for its shareholders rather than taking care of the sick.  There is no profit in caring for the sick, as a result, health insurance companies have become expert at NOT paying for health care.  Hopefully, you will not be sick, nor have any disabilities, because either of these can and will bankrupt your family.  Refer to the fact that hospitals are for profit and health insurance companies only answer to shareholders and you will understand why your family will be bankrupt if you are sick or disabled.

    Next, you will need an education.  Since the government is riddled with bureaucracy and the educational system must pay a cadre of MBAs just to stay in business, you parents will be forced to purchase everything the child needs for school and more to supply the classroom.  If you want to earn more than minimum wage (below poverty level) after high school, you must go to college.  Good Luck, you will need lots of money and lots of information about how to attain that money and how to manage the loans.

    While you are planning and doing, life is happening.  You got a speeding ticket, it cost you $583.00.  Your mother got sick, you had to fly home, purchasing tickets at the last minute $794.00 (for that price, no leg room and no luggage).  Your apartment complex had a flood and all of your books and electronics were destroyed, you had insurance, but it wasn’t good enough (recall that insurance is for profit).

    So now you are 23 years old and you have a college degree and $66,000.00 in debt to pay off.  You’re not sure if you have made the right decision about school and you don’t understand why you’re still broke.

    You can’t find a job and you are angry.  You need someone, something to be angry with.  You listen to the news, you watch TV and you decide that immigrants are to blame for lack of jobs in America.

    And this is the breakdown.  You haven’t done anything wrong and you haven’t done anything bad.  You made the right decisions, but America didn’t keep it’s promise.  It’s not because of immigrants, it’s not because of any single politicized source.  Instead it is because of corporate greed and the fact that our political system has bowed down to the greed and has become an instrument for that greed.  There is no reason that our minimum wage has stagnated for almost 30 years, no reason at all, except that Walmart has made sure that politicians do not raise the minimum wage by paying them off with cash.  The cash that Walmart uses to pay off the politicians is cash that they steal from their own workers.  They do this by keeping them from earning a living and by keeping them from having any workplace benefits (such as healthcare).

    If you need to blame someone, blame the system and then jump in and let’s do something about it.


  • Economic Equality (A Goal),  World Affairs

    A Worst Person

    I recently heard in the radio that a study revealed that people who watched the Kardashian show became “worst people”.  The reasons included the wealthy disdain for the poor and the casual attitude about wealth and its advantages.  Of course it included exposure to all of the luxury items along with price tags and winning smiles.  Apparently, the more you watch these shows, the more “anti-welfare” you become.  As if, by being exposed to this world you become disdainful of the more ordinary world of the poverty stricken.

    Keeping Up With the Kardashians can make you less sympathetic to the plight of the poor. 

    The researchers found that even 60 seconds of exposure to materialistic media ― content that “glamorizes fame, luxury, and wealth” ― was enough to significantly increase anti-welfare beliefs.”

    (From L) Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble attend the Off-white 2017 Spring/Summer ready-to-wear collection fashion show, on September 29, 2016 in Paris. / AFP / ALAIN JOCARD (Photo credit should read ALAIN JOCARD/AFP/Getty Images)
    (From L) Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble attend the Off-white 2017 Spring/Summer ready-to-wear collection fashion show, on September 29, 2016 in Paris. / AFP / ALAIN JOCARD (Photo credit should read ALAIN JOCARD/AFP/Getty Images)


    This concern with the poor is new.  This is a significant change in our cultural belief systems.  I survived the 80s and the 90s when cash was king.  It didn’t matter how you got the cash, those who had cash were revered and admired.  You may have been an officer in a drug cartel, your drugs may have caused thousands of deaths, yet still, you were admired because of your access to cash.

    This is not a subtle change.  This is a huge change.  Perhaps, though it is a huge change, it has not been embraced by the mainstream yet?

    Why isn’t anyone noticing that we are finally getting to what is important for humanity?  The care and concern for others?  Having disdain and negative beliefs for those that have less is nothing more than an attempt to justify one’s own position in the world.  There is NO reason that some people should have none and some people should have all.  There is just no justifiable reason for America to be this way: loving the rich while abusing the poor.

    This is an important moment for America.  The moment we begin understanding what it is that makes us a “bad person” that is a moment when we are better.  That is a moment when America can move forward and become a humane world leader.