Dear Alexandria;
Please be aware that you are standing at the threshold of being viciously attacked. No one likes a beautiful woman who is smart and powerful. It’s just not done.
You may think that our society has progressed past the point of keeping women in powerless positions, not so. While our society boasts of breakthroughs inequality, you must understand that they are Madison Avenue constructs and contrived,but not real. This country is expert at marketing. We look good, but we are incredibly shallow. We haven’t done the,real job of creating equality, so instead, we are at Door #3: let’s make a reality that LOOKS like equality.
Millennials are clearly aware of this. They know that equality is an elusive concept that has not been actualized in America. Alexandria you are a millennial, and so you know how shallow America’s promise of equality has been.

What I am concerned about, is the amount of hatred and vitriol you will be faced with as you speak your truth in the hallowed halls of the United States Capitol.
I wish you the best and so do millions of other Americans. We love you and we see hope and brightness in your presence. Remember this when others are attempting to hurt you and when the oligarchy attempts to damage you in a way that will have you questioning humanity.
Alexandria, you are the chosen one, you are the speaker for those who do not or can not speak for themselves. You are right! They need your voice. This country needs life, not the death that the war machine manufactures. I love your rationale for your program ideas: “why doesn’t anyone question the cost of war, but only questions the cost of healthcare-for-all?”. America does actually have plenty of money to take care of people. We don’t use it in the right places. We must begin to question the status quo in order to take care of the people of America. Alexandria, you state that beautifully.
Your statements are so simple and so elegant and YOU make Americans think about how humans should treat each other. Thank you.
Don’t forget, you are aligned against the powerful and you stand on behalf of the downtrodden. It will appear that the oligarchy is winning many times over, you may despair, you will be angry. Please, don’t give up and don’t give in. You have the right of it and there will be few who see the truth and can help you. Those who see the truth, can’t or won’t help you and support you. Be careful!
You are in the biggest game with the biggest players. They are serious and deadly. You’ll need every bit of smarts that you have. Continue what you have been doing and keep staff that are smart and loyal. Be aware that loyalty can’t be valued enough! You will need it so much in the coming months and years.
Please don’t forget, we love you. You inspire us and we really, really want you to help change America. We want equality and you are part of that future. You are part of the movement that will move this country forward. Finally.
You can get discouraged, angry and sad. Don’t ever, ever give up. You are doing the work of the weak and, and disenfranchised, you are doing the work of equality, the work of Americans.
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