This dislike may remind you of your secret anguish of being unloved and unwanted. Feeling these fears can bring much passion to your need to dislike this person who injures you with dislike. It’s important to resist the need to strike out with your own dislike or passionate anger.
These energies of dislike being pushed in full force between the two of you are energy draining and character maiming. There is no way to escape such negative energies without some form of damage attaching itself to you. The hurt, the anger, the need to lash out, they all harm and hurt your psyche. Even if you are one who can ignore such insults, you will find that the dislike hurts.
There is only one way to manage such dislike and that is to love the person who dislikes you. You must put away all that your brain tells you to do. You must turn away thoughts of anguish, or revenge. You must turn to this person and love this person and love harder, if your love stumbles.
You are giving to yourself and to the world when you do such a thing as loving in the face of such dislike. You are allowing this person to claim their own feelings without judgment on your part. You are owning the energy and by loving the energy, you convert it from hurt to healing. You are taking what is wrong with the world and making it right. This is what you do when you return love for hate.
You need not do anything or say anything. You simply love. You will see that your thoughts change, and you will see that the energy transforms. This is the way to having goodness in your world.