I was having a conversation with an acquaintance of mine and it seemed to be a repeat of many other conversations wherein I discovered that I do not adhere to the popular belief and that the conclusions I draw about our world are not so much the conclusions that other people draw.
I have witnessed so much economic inequality in this world, that I have drawn the conclusion that every opportunity that one has to improve another’s economy should be taken. As a boss in today’s corporate world, I have done everything in my power to assure that each and every staff member benefits from my belief system about this. There is no reason to be loyal to a corporation or an institution, there is every reason to be loyal to people. I realize that shareholders in large corporations would not agree with this. Witness, the latest McDonald’s debacle: staff who make minimum wage have been cheated out of overtime hours by supervisors who are loyal to McDonald’s the corporation. This has resulted in a One BILLION dollar profit for McDonald’s shareholders.
On the other side of the coin are the millions of hard working people that work in the fast food industry (including 10s of thousands of single parents) who are suffering through poverty. These human beings often do not know if they will have enough money to pay the electric bill, often, they do not have their own space, but rent rooms or tiny efficiencies from others.
When I speak with people, they refer to some esoteric belief that somehow, the universe is just, they use words like karma and “if it’s meant to be, it will be” to indicate that there is some fairness in the universe and we just have to wait to see it happen.
I believe that it is possible that the universe is just – I just do not believe that human beings are just. The wealthy – all over the world – have proven for several thousand years that once they gain wealth, they will stop at nothing to keep gathering the wealth and to push other people down in order to gain more of their own wealth.
In America, we say that we are the land of the opportunity and that if you cannot build your own success then maybe you have not worked hard enough or you have not done enough in order to properly earn success. I do not believe that this is true and I find it extremely difficult to believe that anyone can still believe this ridiculous lie after all that has happened in America in the last decade.
Foolish, mean, ugly, cheating, lazy people can be quite wealthy. I know people who have never worked, nor thought about working, one day in their own lives, and they own vast amounts of wealth. There are many, many people who are very, very wealthy who are guilty of terrible sins and there are many, many people who are wealthy and who gained that wealth by cheating from others (for example, McDonald’s shareholders).
My conclusion is that there is not justice living in this world unless humans apply it. Karma and Jesus may save us, but that is not for this life. For this life, we must find ways to save each other.